Afrikaans has a rich vowel system similar to that of Dutch. For instance, Afrikaans has both short and long vowels. Long vowels in the table below are indicated by a colon. Afrikaans also distinguishes between unrounded and rounded front and back vowels. Rounded vowels are pronounced with rounde...
• Use articles instead of a pronoun (for example, die dokument instead of sy dokument). • Refer to a person's role (leser, werknemer, kliënt, for example). • Use persoon or individu. The table that follows contains strings and sentences that were translated taking those gender-...
Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Language Matters with a FREE online article collection! 2013 Impact Factor 0.172 Users also read Corpora in translation teaching and learning Charles Tiayon Volume 35, Issue 1, 2004 Citing Articles CrossRef (1) View disclaimer for citing articles.Librarians...
And they did. The same Afrikaans teenagers whose parents still sent them to Sunday school in the nineties, slowly but surely became irritated by the atmosphere in the‘cultural festival tent’. Moreover, they started wondering about the sins of their fathers and the demons of the past. It wa...
In Umlazi, a township outside Durban, we are driven in convoy to a school. Inside a room are squashed some 40 people - a choir. The age ranges from about 15 to 50 plus. After … Read the full-text article, try us out FREE today Related books and articles at Questia Books ...