Although the PFOS and PFOA in AFFF can be harmful to the human body in any amount, exposure needs to occur for several years for a person to develop cancer.
If you have already been diagnosed with cancer or another illness after exposure to the toxic chemicals in firefighting foam, you could file an AFFF lawsuit against negligent manufacturers such as Tyco, 3M, Dupont, and others. Our team can help....
Our PFAS AFFF firefighting foam lawyers handle PFAS lawsuits where the release of toxic chemicals into water supplies caused cancer & ulcerative colitis.
The Flooks’ lawsuit is a part of the South Carolina MDL. Gary was exposed to AFFF as a firefighter in the U.S. Air Force and as a volunteer firefighter in Indiana for many years and was never warned that the chemicals were toxic or could cause cancer. His complaint claimed that his ...
很多人就好奇“CA”是啥意思,这其实是癌症的英文单词“cancer”头两个字母的大写。如果报告单上出现“CA”这两个字母,那就要小心了,因为很可能体检检查出来的肿瘤,这就有癌症的风险。 为什么要用英文标识呢?这还是考虑到患者的心理承受能力...
Latest research on aqueous film-forming foam health impacts Recent studies underscore the persistence of PFAS in the environment and their capacity to enter the human body through air, water, and soil contamination. Organizations like the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the En...
We are currently accepting compensation claims on behalf of AFFF firefighting foam cancer, thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s disease and ulcerative colitis victims; Tepezza hearing loss victims; Asbestos mesothelioma and lung cancer victims; Talcum Powder ovarian cancer and mesothelioma victims; Camp Lejeune ...
[4]Mu Y,et al.Case Report: Cord blood-derived natural killer cells as new potential immunotherapy drug for solid tumor: A case study for endometrial cancer[J].Frontiers in immunology,2023, 14: 1213161. https://www....
Exposure to toxic PFAS chemicals in AFFF foam have been linked to cancer and other side effects. Get the latest AFFF lawsuit updates and learn more on how to file an AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit.
Frontiers in Oncology杂志编委;Cancer Letters,Current Medicinal Chemistry,British Journal of Surgery通讯审稿人 2016 PCCA杰出青年医师,2017上海优秀青年专科医师 主持国家自然科学基金3项,上海市自然科学基金2项 获得上海市2018年度“科技创新行动计划”优秀学术带头人项目“一托一”帮扶计划 ...