The bladder is responsible for holding urine before it leaves the body, so any lingering PFAS may be taking advantage of that contact to damage the DNA of healthy cells. Prostate Cancer: In many cases, prostate cancer is treatable because it has clear warning signs and tends to multiply ...
Firefighting foam lawyers are still investigating and pursuing new AFFF lawsuits for firefighters diagnosed with testicular cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, thyroid cancer and thyroid disease following exposure to PFAS chemicals in AFFF...
Pancreatic cancer Liver cancer Bladder cancer Ulcerative colitis Thyroid disease Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Multiple myeloma Leukemia Male breast cancer Thyroid cancer Claim Application Firefighters have a higher risk of developing cancer as a result of constant exposure to AFFF ...
Prof. Guo has long been engaged in clinical and translational medical research of skin and genitourinary tumor, including melanoma, renal cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and so on. Prof. Guo has rich clinical expe...
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. New York: Springer, 2017. [2]Perez and Brady’s principles and practice of radiation oncology./editors, Edward C. Halperin…[ et al.]. -6th ed. [3] 编辑| 陈海石收录于...
The photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis — An overview and recent advances In 60 cases of bladder cancer treated with hydrostatic pressure technique, their prognosis was evaluated in relation of initial effects after the first pro... H Michel,I Sinning,J ...
Bubble-driven mixer integrated with a microfluidic bead-based ELISA for rapid bladder cancer biomarker detection In this study, fine bubbles were successfully generated and used as a simple, low-cost driving force for mixing fluids in an integrated microfluidic bead-b... YH Lin,CC Wang,KF Lei ...
Li J, Cao K, Lin H, Deng L, Yang S, Gao Y, Liang M, Lin C, Zhang W, Xie C, Zhang K, Luo J, Pan Z, Yue P, Zou Y, Huang B. Predicting muscle invasion in bladder cancer by deep learning analysis of MRI: ...
A review of the surgical strategies for the management of gallbladder carcinoma based on T stage and growth type of the tumour[J]. Eur J Surg Oncol,2009,35(9):903-907. [25] Shirai Y,Sakata J,Wakai T,et al. “Extended” radical cholecystecto...