方法一 进入到figma界面,打开个人主页,点击插件 2. 进入到插件界面,点击正在开发右边的加号,导入“manifest.json” 方法二 进入到figma任意一个文件,右键,安照下面的路径导入“manifest.json” 安装成功之后,将Figma里面的内容全选,点击 “Send selection to Ae”就导入成功了 AEUX插件安装包 链接:https://pan.baid...
AEUX 是由 Google 团队动画设计师大佬 Adam Plouff 开发,运用在 Sketch 和 AE 的一组高效插件,能将 Sketch 里的图层以及整个画板一键导入到 AE 里,同时能在 AE 里解决图形分组和分层的问题,减少从设计稿到动效设计的衔接困难,目前该该插件也已支持支持Figma。 一、基本功能 Sketch中的AEUX面板介绍 1、Send sele...
Hey@vmedium Thanks for the tips. I recorded myself doing both 1) and 4) – You'll see that if I remove the path in AE, Figma will ask me for a path. But in the end, nothing happens. So frustrating! I've tried to uninstall all but that didn't do either. About the PDFs you...
The UI for the plugin should load. Screenshots Desktop (please complete the following information): Figma 116.2.4, AEUX 0.8.2
Same here. Once adobe automatically installed IAE 22.6.0 I get the "Failed to connect to AE" error in Figma, but when I open Figma's console, I see this error: POST 500 (Internal Server Error) onmessage @ VM985:22 postMessage (async) postMessage @...
Make sure the AEUX plugin is open in After Effects In your Figma file, make a single frame, draw a single circle in it. Select the frame, and send that to AE If this works, but your specific file or file doesn't, then it means that there is some level of hierarchy, complexity, ...
Choose file: ~/Design/Figma/Development\ Plugins/AEUX/manifest.json CMD+/, search AEUX, and run plugin Select outer frame to export as a comp Click "Send selection to Ae" within the AEUX plugin Expected behavior After Effects should populate new/existing comp with Figma assets ...
AEUX是一个用于After Effects和Sketch 52+的AE以及Sketch插件,以及一个用于Figma 的转换器,用于将图层从视觉设计导入到AE中能完整展现。对于Sketch导入到AE中有着很强大的表现,是目前市面上最佳的选择。 超详细的AEUX详解:《AE动效必备:一键将Sketch文件图层导入到AE》 ...