Aerosols and Climate Change: Present Understanding, Challenges, and Future OutlookAtmospheric aerosols are a mixture of solid or liquid particles suspended in the medium of air. Their physical (size, shape, and texture) and chemical properties vary over sub-micron and super-micron radius range, ...
Today differs from the days ofEnvironment’s origins because there are a greater number of sophisticated proponents of “alternative facts” trying to make it harder to inform people about environmental perils, and a far more polarized society in the United States and elsewhere. Climate change espec...
Mechanisms of Arctic amplification and Arctic climate change are difficult to pinpoint, and current climate models do not represent the complex local processes and feedbacks at play, in particular for aerosol–climate interactions. This Perspective highl
Tropospheric anthropogenic aerosols contribute the second-largest forcing to climate change, but with high uncertainty owing to their spatio-temporal variability and complicated optical properties. In this Review, we synthesize understanding of aerosol o
Aerosol-radiation interactions–the scattering and absorption of light by particles–drive large uncertainties in our estimates of climate change. To reduce these uncertainties, ground-based and satellite-borne remote sensing observations and global climate models need to be informed by in-situ measurement...
Nature Geoscience (2022) Contrasting influences of biogeophysical and biogeochemical impacts of historical land use on global economic inequality Shu Liu Yong Wang Le Yu Nature Communications (2022) Dirty air offsets inequality Marianne T. Lund Nature Climate Change (2020)Associated...
CCN and Vertical Velocity Influences on Droplet Concentrations and Supersaturations in Clean and Polluted Stratus Clouds IPCC: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Inter- governmental Panel on ... JG Hudson,S Noble - ...
Aerosols (tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere) have been in the forefront of environmental and climate change sciences as the primary atmospheric pollutant and external force affecting Earth's weather and climate. There are two dominant mechanisms by which aerosols affect weather...
Causes of Regional Change—Aerosols Chapter © 2015 Aerosols and Climate Change: Present Understanding, Challenges, and Future Outlook Chapter © 2018 Aerosol Impacts on Atmospheric and Precipitation Chemistry Chapter © 2022 References Heintzenberg, J., K. Okada, and J. Strom, On the co...
Aerosols and Climate. Hampton, Va.: A. Deepak, 486 pp. Google Scholar Lighthart, B., and Mohr, A. J. (eds), 1994. Atmospheric Microbial Aerosols: Theory and Applications. New York: Chapman & Hall, 397 pp. Google Scholar Cross-references Air Pollution; Atmosphere; Climate Change; ...