Lung deposition of inhaled drugs in ventilated neonates has been studied in models of questionable relevance. With conventional nebulizers, pulmonary deposition has been limited to 1% of the total dose. The objective of this study was to assess lung delivery of aerosols in a model of neonatal ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook aerosol (redirected fromaerosol deposition) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia aer·o·sol (âr′ə-sôl′, -sŏl′) n. 1.A gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles. 2. a.The spray of fine particles of a substance, such as paint, asthma medica...
Extrapolation Modeling of Aerosol Deposition in Human and Laboratory Rat LungsAerosolsAir pollution effects(Humans)Air pollution effects(Animals)LungHumansRatsCarbon dioxideBiological modelsTracheaBronchiLaboratory test animals are often used as surrogates in exposure studies to assess the potential threat to ...
Part I: Simulation of particle transport in a sto- chastic lung structure. Journal of Aerosol Science . 1990w.,Hofmann, and Koblinger. L. 1990. Monte Carlo modeling of aerosol deposition in human lungs: Part II. Deposition fractions and their sensitivity to parameter variations. 1. Arerosol...
Targeting aerosol delivery in the lung The ability to target drugs to specific sites of disease is a major unmet need of aerosol therapy. Heliox Heliox (a gas mixture of 80% helium and 20% oxygen), which has one-third the density of air, results in more peripheral deposition of inhaled ...
However, there is rather good agreement between simulated and experimental results for regional lung deposition comparable to those previously found in the literature. Comparisons of generational distributions are relatively poor. These preliminary results suggest not only the need for further developments ...
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of airflow and particle deposition in geometries representing the human tracheobronchial tree were conducted. Two geometries were used in this work: (1) based on the Weibel A model, and (2) based on a CT scan of a cadaver lung cast. Flow condi...
Simulation of aerosol drug deposition patterns using the moving mesh model for rats was shown to give results with a stronger correlation with in vivo animal data than results produced by standard staticlungmodels, supporting the usefulness of the model in the review of aerosol drug properties and...
Deposition patterns of inhaled aerosol in the lungs were studied in five normal subjects and 20 patients with lung disease by inhaling radioaerosols with three different particle size distributions. Particle size distributions were 0.84, 1.04 and 1.93 μm in activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD)...
Aerosol deposition in both the healthy and diseased lung is described mainly based on the results of human studies using nonimaging techniques. This is followed by a discussion of the effect of flow regime on aerosol deposition. Finally, the link between therapeutic effects of inhaled drugs and ...