1. 无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集 无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集 UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.05.009) 可通过 kaggle API下载: kaggle datasets download -d awsaf49/uavid-semantic-segmenta...
1. 无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集 无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集 UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.05.009) 可通过 kaggle API下载: kaggle datasets download -d awsaf49/uavid-semantic-segmenta...
数据集的复杂性被限制在20个类别,如下表所列。 表1:无人机数据集的语义类别 树、草、其他植被、泥土、沙砾、岩石、水、铺装区、游泳池、人、狗、汽车、自行车、屋顶、墙、栅栏、栅栏杆、窗、门、障碍物 展开 文件列表 Aerial Semantic Segmentation Drone Dataset.zip Aerial Semantic Segmentation Drone Dataset....
TTPLA: An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 183 作者:R Abdelfattah,X Wang,S Wang 摘要: Accurate detection and segmentation of transmission towers (TTs) and power lines (PLs) from aerial images plays a key ...
iSAID: A Large-scale Dataset for Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images 技术标签: 论文阅读简介https://captain-whu.github.io/iSAID/dataset.html 实验室夏老师他们弄得 ,19年暑假的时候看到同学在弄这个网站,基于DOTA的image 包含了更精细的语义分割标注 和实例分割标注,取自高分一号 高分二号 亚米级,具有...
datasets, and we show that they are more challenging than many other aerial image datasets. To encourage research in computer vision for agriculture, we present Agriculture-Vision: a large-scale aerial farmland image dataset for semantic segmentation of agricultural patterns. We collected 94,986 high...
所有数据集的输入大小设置为512x512。我们使用4xNVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU进行80k迭代,batch size大小为4。对于语义分割,我们选择ImageNet上预先训练的FCN (VGG-16)[7]作为我们的基线,并使用ResNet-101[19]基线进行进一步的对比实验。 D. Experiments on Vaihingen Dataset...
[VQA文献阅读] FloodNet: A High Resolution Aerial Imagery Dataset for Post Flood Scene Understanding,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Next, we review the UAV aerial image/video datasets and propose a maritime UAV aerial dataset named MS2ship for ship detection. Furthermore, we conduct a series of experiments to present the performance evaluation and robustness analysis of object detection methods on maritime datasets. Eventually, ...
(2021). TTPLA: An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines. In: Ishikawa, H., Liu, CL., Pajdla, T., Shi, J. (eds) Computer Vision – ACCV 2020. ACCV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12627. Springer, Cham. https://...