WHU Building Dataset数据集Aerial imagery dataset部分,用于遥感影像分割,源地址:https://study.rsgis.whu.edu.cn/pages/download/building_dataset.html - 飞桨AI Studio
数据集内容:城市建筑物检测的遥感图像数据集,标记只有建筑/非建筑两种,且是像素级别,用于语义分割。该数据集于 2017 年由 Inria 发布 数据集功能:语义分割 下载链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1G_HyEFjv6lq1hbT8JaZhPA 提取码:0wa8 彩蛋1:
Aerial Semantic Segmentation Drone Dataset(3.86 GB) 可通过 kaggle API下载: kaggle datasets download -d bulentsiyah/semantic-drone-dataset 3. 航拍图像 AerialImage(with a size of 256 to 256.) 8.75 GB Kaggle API: kaggle datasets download -d mengyangyang/aerialimage 4. 针对yolo模型的车辆的航空图像...
Aerial Semantic Segmentation Drone Dataset(3.86 GB) 可通过 kaggle API下载: kaggle datasets download -d bulentsiyah/semantic-drone-dataset 3. 航拍图像 AerialImage(with a size of 256 to 256.) 8.75 GB Kaggle API: kaggle datasets download -d mengyangyang/aerialimage 4. 针对yolo模型的车辆的航空图像...
Full size image Locations of wells The locations of documented orphaned wells were sourced from the “Documented Orphaned Oil and Gas Well” dataset spreadsheets released by Boutot et al.3. Two spreadsheets were released: one in 2021 containing 77,871 wells and another in 2022 containing 115,565...
The INRIA Aerial Image Labeling dataset is comprised of 360 RGB tiles of 5000×5000px with a spatial resolution of 30cm/px on 10 cities across the globe. Half of the cities are used for training and are associated to a public ground truth of building foo
main_test_SDCNN_HighImage.m main_test_SDCNN_epoch.m main_train_SDCNN_BCE.m vllab_cnn_train_dagNN_multi_label.m vllab_nn_L2_loss.m README Aerial Imagery dataset for Shadow Detection (AISD) Shuang Luo, Huifang Li, Huanfeng Shen. “Deeply supervised convolutional neural network for shadow...
研究点推荐 Transmission Towers TTPLA Power Lines TT/PL Aerial-image (TTPLA) Aerial-Image Dataset 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。了解更多>>...
DownloadEuRoC MAV Dataset. Although it contains stereo cameras, we only use one camera. The system also works withETH-asl cla dataset. We take EuRoC as the example. 3.1 visual-inertial odometry and loop closure 3.1.1 Open three terminals, launch the vins_estimator , rviz and play the bag ...
Define the proper output extent—When you do not define a product boundary, the application automatically defines an extent based on various dataset parameters that may not match the project extent. Reduce processing time—If the required product extent is smaller th...