Inspired by Wasserstein distance of optimal transport, in this paper, we propose a novel Wasserstein Distance-based Deep Transfer Learning (WD-DTL) network for both supervised and unsupervised fault diagnosis tasks. WD-DTL learns domain feature representations (generated by a CNN based feature ...
Transfer-based Adversarial Attack论文整理 对抗攻击分为白盒攻击和黑盒攻击,白盒攻击可以拿到模型的所有信息,几乎所有方法成功率都在90%以上,故不在此赘述,最近对抗攻击(Adversarial Attack)的趋势是黑盒攻击和物理攻击。黑盒攻击分为两种,一种为查询(Query-based)攻击,一种为迁移(Transfer-based)攻击,查询攻击通过...
16. Improving Domain-Adapted Sentiment Classification by Deep Adversarial Mutual Learning 会议:AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing. 作者:Qianming Xue, Wei Zhang, Hongyuan Zha 链接: 17. Learning Transferable Adversarial...
The deep features for the optimal transport-based hierarchical feature alignment are extracted from different intermediate Conclusion Recent studies suggest that adversarial attacks pose an ever-increasing threat to deep-learning-based safety and security-critical applications. In this study, we investigated...
The demand of artificial intelligent adoption for condition-based maintenance strategy is astonishingly increased over the past few years. Intelligent fault diagnosis is one critical topic of maintenance solution for mechanical systems. Deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), ...
GAN model is based on deep convolutional-transpose network. The architectural composition of the model helped overcome major limitations of GANs such as mode collapse. RoiMammoGAN seeks to eliminate complexity of learning features during training through the use of staged-class-based learning approach....
The introduction of convolutional neural networks and a gradient-based optimization regime for training these networks by LeCun et al.18has resulted in a subsequent deep learning revolution19in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Not only has deep learning significantly improved the performance...
As one of the key parts, iris segmentation exists in two major categories of methods, including traditional image processing methods and deep-learning-based data-driven methods. These methods are summarized in Table 1. Traditional image processing methods can be subdivided into two categories: ...
Malware’s structural transformation to withstand the detection frameworks encourages hackers to steal the public’s confidential content. Researchers are developing a protective shield against the intrusion of malicious malware in mobile devices. The deep learning-based android malware detection frameworks ha...
Adversarially Robust Models may not Transfer Better:Sufficient Conditions for Domain Transferability from the View of Regularization. [pdf] Xiaojun Xu, Jacky Y Zhang, Evelyn Ma, Hyun Ho Son, Sanmi Koyejo, Bo Li. ICML, 2022. Improving Adversarial Transferability via Neuron Attribution-Based Attacks....