比如图像识别、目标检测、文本分析、推荐系统等等. 在图像识别上面, 深度学习的识别率甚至超过了人眼[1]. 深度学习在短时间内频繁取得的成功致使很多人倾向于相信他们已经找到了“疑难杂症”的终极解决方案:从此以后, 想要解决一个问题, 只需要找到足够多的数据和算力就行了. 但是对抗样本(Adversarial examples)的发现...
索引词:深度神经网络(deep neural network),深度学习(deep learning),安全(security),对抗样本(adversarial examples)。 1. 介绍 在机器学习(Machine learning, ML)的各种领域中,深度学习(Deep learning, DL)都取得了重大进展,例如图像分类(image classification)、目标识别(object recognition) [1][2]、目标检测(obj...
Adversarial examples are hot topics in the field of security in deep learning.The feature,generation methods,attack and defense methods of the adversarial examples are focuses of the current research on adversarial examples.This article explains the key technologies and theories of adversarial examples ...
Introducing adversarial examples in vision deep learning models Introduction We have seen the advent of state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models for computer vision ever since we started getting bigger and better compute (GPUs and TPUs), more data (ImageNet etc.) and easy to use open-so...
Deep neural networks are currently the most widespread and successful technology in artificial intelligence. However, these systems exhibit bewildering new vulnerabilities: most notably a susceptibility to adversarial examples. Here, I review recent empirical research on adversarial examples that suggests that...
1Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses forDeep LearningXiaoyong Yuan, Pan He, Qile Zhu, Rajendra Rana Bhat, Xiaolin LiNational Science Foundation Center for Big Learning, University of FloridaAbstract—With rapid progress and great successes in a widespectrum of applications, deep learning is ...
With rapid progress and significant successes in a wide spectrum of applications, deep learning is being applied in many safety-critical environments. However, deep neural networks (DNNs) have been recently found vulnerable to well-designed input samples called adversarial examples. Adversarial perturbatio...
1. What are adversarial examples? 😈 In the last 10 years, deep learning models have left the academic kindergarten, become big boys, and transformed many industries. This is especially true for computer vision models. WhenAlexNethit the charts in 2012, the deep learning era officially started...
Yet, machine learning models, including DNNs, were shown to be vulnerable to adversarial samples-subtly (and often humanly indistinguishably) modified malicious inputs crafted to compromise the integrity of their outputs. Adversarial examples thus enable adversaries to manipulate system behaviors. ...
Feature Squeezing: Detecting Adversarial Examples in Deep Neural Networks 论文理解 corazju 躺平大魔王4 人赞同了该文章 今天,给大家介绍一篇2018年发在NDSS上的一篇关于用特征压缩的手段来检测对抗性样本的文章,这篇文章比较简单易懂,不了解对抗攻击的话也可以很容易理解这篇文章的思想,下面介绍一下文章的作者。