Advent of Code 2023 (Rust). Contribute to bozdoz/advent-of-code-2023 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Breadcrumbs adventofcode2023 /day02 / Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 45 lines (36 loc) · 1.26 KB Raw import argparse import sys import functools total_cubes = {"red": 12, "green": 13, "blue": ...
Advent of Code 2023 is an annual coding event that challenges programmers with daily algorithmic problems. The solutions to these problems typically involve a mix of data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. While the total number of participants in the event may not be very high,...
和前两年一样,今年也争取每天用一种不同的编程语言完成。 最近跑马+流感,拖到第10天才有空开始,先做了前4天简单的题目。 第一天: Clojure。开始想用sed + bc发现不好搞,老实写了程序。第二天: Awk。第三天: Zi…
Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently You get articles that match your needs You can efficiently read back useful information You can use dark theme What you can do with signing up Sign upLogin Comments No comments Let's comment your feelings that are more than good ...
Oursponsorshelp make Advent of Code possible: Ansys- Make this holiday season unforgettable with Ansys. Join the Ansys developer community, search jobs, and SHINE in your favorite language. .---. .---..--' | .-' '-.1**.--' | | |2**.---' | | |3**| | | |4**| | | ...
After all, I was very suspicious of AoC maintainers’ malicious ideas (Day 1, part 2 took its toll!) and I preferred to write a code that can handle mappings provided out of order and that are not restricted to the ones from specification (seed, soil, fertilizer, water, light, ... Day 1 Part 1 (*读取文件*)lines= ReadList["E:\\ExplorerDownload\input.txt", String]; (*计算校准值*) calibrationValues = ToExpression[ StringJoin[#[[1]], #[[-1]]] & /@ (StringCases[#, DigitCharacter] & /@lines); (...
Advent of Code 2023 Advent of Code 是一年一度的编程谜题活动,里面包含着各种技能组合和技能水平的问题,参与者可以使用自己任何擅长喜欢的编程语言来解谜,谜题背后是精心构建的故事情节,让参与者挑战的同时,也享受到娱乐放松。 Advent of Code 在每年的圣诞节前 25 天开始,每天的题目分为两部分,第二部分会更难...