免費使用 Desmos 精美的線上繪圖計算機來探索數學奧妙。功能包含繪製函數圖形和散點圖,視覺化代數方程式、新增滑桿,動畫圖檔等。
第24天: Julia 又到了非线性规划的固定项目。第一部分是解线性方程组,第二部分非线性。虽然看起来输入数据很大很吓人,但任选4组数据用NLsolve求解就可以了。 第25天: Kotlin 第25天只有第一部分题目,最后一颗星在获得前面所有49颗以后自动获得。去年的第25天是很简单的送分题,今年居然是求无向图的4边连接分量...
My solutions to the Advent of code 2023, in Rust. I tried to have the fastest solution possible by implementing concepts from The Rust Performance Book, but also keeping clear Rust code. All solutions use a single thread. On a i7-1165G7, the time spent for each part are: Day 1 (20...
2023 day-01 day-02 day-03 day-04 day-05 day-06 day-07 day-08 day-09 day-10 day-11 day-12 day-13 day-14 day-15 day-16 day-17 day-18 day-19 day-20 day-21 day-22 day-23 day-24 day-25 .gitignore LICENSE README.md justfileBreadcrumbs advent-of-code / 2023/ Directory act...
Advent of Code 2023 is an annual coding event that challenges programmers with daily algorithmic problems. The solutions to these problems typically involve a mix of data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. While the total number of participants in the event may not be very high,...
Oursponsorshelp make Advent of Code possible: Ansys- Make this holiday season unforgettable with Ansys. Join the Ansys developer community, search jobs, and SHINE in your favorite language. .---. .---..--' | .-' '-.1**.--' | | |2**.---' | | |3**| | | |4**| | | ...
Advent of Code 2023 Advent of Code 是一年一度的编程谜题活动,里面包含着各种技能组合和技能水平的问题,参与者可以使用自己任何擅长喜欢的编程语言来解谜,谜题背后是精心构建的故事情节,让参与者挑战的同时,也享受到娱乐放松。 Advent of Code 在每年的圣诞节前 25 天开始,每天的题目分为两部分,第二部分会更难...
I’m going to run every piece of the code on Linux Mint 21.2 VirtualBox machine with 4 cores and 8GB of memory, hosted on my personal PC with Ryzen 3700X and DDR4 at 3200MHz. I will use OTP 26.1.1. Day 1 Part 1 I would never suspect that I’ll begin the AoC challenge with ...
https://adventofcode.com/2023 Day 1 Part 1 (*读取文件*)lines= ReadList["E:\\ExplorerDownload\input.txt", String]; (*计算校准值*) calibrationValues = ToExpression[ StringJoin[#[[1]], #[[-1]]] & /@ (StringCases[#, DigitCharacter] & /@lines); (...
Advent of code 2023のDay 5: If You Give A Seed A FertilizerをElixirで解きました。 Advent of code 2023は己との闘い、まさに闘魂です。リポジトリにあげておきます。人類は不老不死の霊薬を意味する素敵なプログラミング言語Elixirを手に入れました。並行処理を他のプログラミング言語より...