Start: {pos[1]}, End: {pos[2]}, Word: {pos[3]}, Number: {pos[4]}')## print('\nDigits and their positions:')# for pos in digit_positions:# print(f'String index: {pos[
Code Folders and files Latest commit Red-Fand Fred Hoogduin day 10 solved 713174d· Jan 14, 2024 History10 Commits .idea/.idea.AoC2023/.idea 2023, day 1, lazy solution Dec 4, 2023 Common day 9 solved Jan 3, 2024 day 01 2023, day 1, lazy solution Dec 4, 2023 day 02 day 2 so...
+ + diff --git a/advent-of-code-2023/11.pi b/advent-of-code-2023/11.pi new file mode 100644 index 00000000..703ae18f --- /dev/null +++ b/advent-of-code-2023/11.pi @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +/* + + Advent of Code 2023 Day 11 in Picat. + +
Oursponsorshelp make Advent of Code possible: Ansys- Make this holiday season unforgettable with Ansys. Join the Ansys developer community, search jobs, and SHINE in your favorite language. .---. .---..--' | .-' '-.1**.--' | | |2**.---' | | |3**| | | |4**| | | ...
I will add solutions for each day in an individual folder, with my input file downloaded from the AoC website. I’m also going to include a bit of microbenchmarking in every solution, with and without JIT. Firstly, to measure the overall performance of the code and secondly to see how...
That said, Day 1 was interesting enough to post a short writeup. You canfind the code on GitHub, but I’ll also do an annotated walkthrough of day 1! Basic types🔗︎ We’ll start by defining a basic compile-timelisttype, and we’ll also use aliteral<v>in order to lift values...
Advent of Code is a series of programming puzzles you can tackle to hone your coding skills each day in the run-up to Christmas. This year I am attempting it using R, which can make some challenges easier or harder depending on whether they are more...
In the lead up to Christmas each year, Advent of Code offers a series of 25 puzzles which start out reasonably simple, but get progressively harder, eventually requiring knowledge of algorithms and dynamic programming techniques. Last year I solved these in (strictly) base R on the day they ...
One cool thing about learning a language via Advent of Code is learning from other people's solutions. Unfortunately with Jai being a closed beta I wasn't able to do that this year! Day 01 Here's my solution to day 01. It's an exceedingly simple program. However I'm assuming most ...
Today in “Idiomatic Kotlin”, we’re looking at day 4 of the Advent of Code 2020 challenges, in which we tackle a problem that feels as old as programming itself: input sanitization and validation.