Although there is a growing body of research on older adults and coping in prison, many inquiries about areas of concern remain unanswered. Specifically, what are the primary traumatic experiences and stressors of the incarceration experience and how do incarcerated older adults, many of whom have...
We provide trauma therapy for first responders in Cumberland County, PA, and the surrounding areas. As a former first responder herself, Lisa S. Zoll, the founder of Grief Relief, LLC, understands the unique challenges that come with jobs on the front line. We’re proud to partner with On...
Naltrexone and cue exposure with coping and communication skills training for alcoholics: treatment process and 1-year outcomes. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2001;25(11):1634-1647.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 76. ALK21-014: Efficacy and safety of Medisorb naltrexone (Vivitrol) after enforced abstinence...
“Treatment for childhood trauma, or trauma in general, has come a long way. It started with CBT but has evolved to other trauma-focused therapies. It is important to learn about each one and to ascertain which one might be the right fit for you. For instance, if choosing trauma-focused...
Longitudinal evaluation of the relationship between maladaptive trauma coping and distress: examination following the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. Anxiety Stress Coping. 2011;24(3):273-290. doi:10.1080/10615806.2010.500722PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 9. Littleton HL, Grills-Taquechel AE...
substance use and addiction medicine surgery surgical innovation surgical pearls teachable moment technology and finance the art of jama the arts and medicine the rational clinical examination tobacco and e-cigarettes toxicology translational medicine trauma and injury treatment adherence ultrasonography urology...
Successful aging Coping Interventions Introduction The American Psychological Association (APA) defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress,” or “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.1 The APA's defin...
Healing After Interpersonal Trauma (for adults) Cultivating Resilience Through Traumatic Experiences Grief Support Group for Adults: Coping with the Death of a Parent Grief Support Group: Healing After a Significant Loss Parenting Group: Promoting Social & Emotional Development in Children ...
Even some soldiers during World War 1 were charged with cowardice when dealing with trauma and were punished rather than supported. Eventually, the concept of ‘shellshock’ was recognized, which has gradually evolved into our more modern understanding of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. ...
Gynecological surgical robots can be precisely controlled by robotic arms to perform highly precise manipulations and reduced vision of localized tissues, enabling surgeons to perform operations with greater precision and less trauma to patients (Suzuki et al., 2023). And industrial robots are employed...