AdParlor helps brands scale with creator marketing & paid media solutions. Maximize performance with expert strategies across channels.
At AdParlor, we blend influencer marketing & deep media buying expertise, turning authentic storytelling into measurable outcomes.
AdParlor partnered with LeadSift, a targeting tech-based solution, to implement advanced targeting options like employment status, age range, and online shopping personas to drive results. 380% Increase in Conversion Rate 47% Decrease in Cost Per Conversion 105% of Conversion Goal Achieved ...
Create free ad mockups across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
二、PennyParlor 网络广告公司Adknowledge宣布收购了Facebook广告管理平台AdParlor。具体条款尚未披露。 广告公司 Adknowledge AdParlor 北京时间4月20日消息,据国外媒体报道,社交网络广告公司AdParlor当地时间4月19日公布了一个新工具,利用这个工具,开发者可以以应用安装数量为计价单位购买Facebook广告,扩大应用的用户群。
Doing all this under AdParlor was like being in a little room with large wings, she said. The company's units include: Ada Futures: Digital strategies, the starting point of a campaign and the team that oversees the strategic planning and project management of an IMC. ...
Facebook 早两天上线新的 Facebook Deal 界面,开始发力线上交易服务,不少公司开始打算借 Facebook 的东风,以增加自己的交易额,Groupon 也是其中之一。 据说Groupon 将借助 AdParlor 这个专门优化 Facebook 广告效果的服务来增强 Groupon 的曝光率。 AdParlor 声称他自己对社交广告的优化效果比别家的好,而且他们也...
这是AdParlor | 的市场研究数据和报告
北京时间4月20日消息,据国外媒体报道,社交网络广告公司AdParlor当地时间4月19日公布了一个新工具,利用这个工具,开发者可以以应用安装数量为计价单位购买Facebook广告,扩大应用的用户群。 Facebook 应用软件 AdParlor 14年前 神级高刷!北京大上科技发布33Hz彩墨屏显示器Paperlike Color(革命者) 2024年9月5日,北...