Shortly before Hitler was competent for parole, the Bavarian government attempted to have him exiled to Austria. However, the Austrian federal Chancellor rejected the request, arguing that Hitler’s service in the German Army had voided his Austrian citizenship. In response, Hitler formally disowned ...
Rise to powerAfter World War I, Hitler returned to Munich and joined the German Workers' Party (the predecessor of the Nazi Party). He met Dietrich Eckart, who became his political mentor. Hitler quickly rose through the party's ranks and became leader in July 1921. Shortly afterwards, the...
Hitler was able to use the idea of the "Big Lie" to paint a picture of the Jewish people being liars and deceitful. Hitler accused the Jewish community of Viennese of trying to discredit Germany's role in World War I and being experts in knowing how to create falsehoods to manipulate ...
When Hitler came to power he attempted to dismantle trade unions and the shell that remained loyal to him; he supported the actions of leading industrialists, actions far removed from socialism which tends to want the opposite. Hitler used the fear of socialism and communism as a way of terri...
Trump’s New Mandate Claim Is an Assault on History Are You Ready for the Matt Gaetz Report? The Opioid Crisis Origins Still Grow Darker Trump’s Latest Lawsuit Is a Symphony of Victimhood Trump’s New Defense: “I Won the Election” ...