Adolf Hitler father, Alois, was born illegitimate and initially bore his mother’s surname, Schicklgruber. However, by 1876, he had legally established the surname Hitler for his family. Throughout his life, Adolf Hitler exclusively used the surname Hitler and never adopted any other surname. E...
How Hitler’s Failed Beer Hall Putsch Helped Fuel His Rise Hitler’s failed 1923 coup and his short term in prison ended up helping the future dictator reset and find his path to power. Read moreRead more about How Hitler’s Failed Beer Hall Putsch Helped Fuel His Rise ...
orNazi Party, adopted a version of the swastika—an ancient sacred symbol ofHinduism, Jainism andBuddhism—as its emblem. Printed in a white circle on a red background, Hitler’s swastika would take on terrifying symbolic power in the years to come. ...
It was Hitler's power as a speaker that turned him from informer to party member, Schleunes said. During a German Workers' Party lecture, someone suggested that it might be best for Bavaria to break from the rest of Germany, splintering the country. Hitler, a German nationalist, was appall...
Adolf Hitler And The Holocaust When Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933, he had a belief that race was the sole matter that defined the culture of a civilization. He influenced the country of Germany to change the ideological values that they previously abided by. This change marked the begin...
On 23rd March 1933 the Enabling Act gave Adolf Hitler power to make laws without consulting the Reichstag for a period of four years. Over the next four months Hitler took steps towards dictatorship – trade unions and all other political parties were banned, the Nazis took control of all loc...
Adolf Hitler is a name that immediately summons the image of pernicious and radical evil. However, just asit takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a country to raise a dictator. Hitler’s rise to power is a saga that includes the complicity of many, the help of some, and ...
Risetopower On30January1933,HitlerwasappointedchancellorandtransformedtheWeimarRepublic(魏玛共和国)intotheThirdReich(第三帝国),asingle-partydictatorship(一党专政)basedonthetotalitarian[təʊ,tælɪ`teəri:ən]andautocratic[,ɔ:tə`krætɪk]ideologyofNazism.(纳粹主义的极权主义和...
On January 30, 1933, PresidentPaul von HindenburgnamesAdolf Hitler, leader orführerof the National Socialist German Workers Party (orNazi Party), as chancellor of Germany. The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration...
1889. Adolf Hitler rose to power in German politics as a leader of the German National Socialist Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party. Hitler was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. His policies will trigger World War II and led to the genocide known as the Holocaust, resulting...