New Here , /t5/dreamweaver-discussions/cs6-displays-weird-characters/td-p/14032558 Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hello, I had to reinstall CS6 after a computer crash. Now when I open any page, unformatted text shows up as nonsense characters, like they have be...
Opening certain PDF file using Adobe Acrobat show weird characters and symbols defaultddg19aeqvb23 New Here , Nov 11, 2022 Copy link to clipboard I have read through many of the responses to similar posts and none of the corrective actions seem to work...
Sometimes, when I select the text from a PDF (created by a third party) and paste it into Word I get weird characters or just plain lines and dots instead of the text, which I have no problem seeing on screen. I've checked the security options but there's nothing selected. I've tr...
Anyway, the new error is: "Cannot extract the embedded font 'MicrosoftSansSerif'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.". There is no additional detail message box shown by Ctrl+Click. This error is very weird. It seems like it is only shown if I view a specific page whil...
Some minification programs automatically use a BOM instead of a typical encoding declaration to squeeze out a few more bytes; in particular, Sass's production mode will output the BOM instead of@charset "utf-8";when it detects non-ASCII characters inside the final file. I would love it if ...
I'll be showing you how I use phantasm to very quickly apply FEC's toe artwork, whether it's vector or embedded images. An illustrator One of my favorite aspects of this plug in, is being able to create half tones and illustrator. They're perfectly vector rised, and it's very quick...
Since I was driving my Tesla, I had to make a couple stops for charging. The first was EddieWorld in Yermo, California, home to one of California’s largest gas stations and which also weirdly hosts a roped-off display highlighting a piece of the Lakers basketball court. (Seriously, I’...
“I was really into comic books, which was this interesting weird medium that wasn’t text like a book or image like a movie, but was something wholly different. There were some experimental comics that did really interesting things like painting over photographs, gluing piec...
Both of these standards aren’t some weird, proprietary flavor of PDF; they’re just regular PDF files that specify the sorts of things that can be included. For example, you can’t put a button or movie or even an RGB image in a PDF/X-1a file, and all fonts must be embedded. No...
Hi all, I used Animate CC (HTML5) to create a video. In this video, I have to use chinese characters and I found that some chinese characters become weird in the published html file. (see below) How can I resolve this issue if I want to keep this font? Many thanks!!!...