Hello, Anyone who can help me fix these weird characters? I'm regularly using one of our files via Excel in the browser (SharePoint) and today I noticed that when I type in the Find and Replace ...
Looking at the refactoring from local coordinates to global coordinates, it seems suspicious that Y is never updated for "normal" characters, but only special characters. While the calculation is still for local bounds first and then transformed to global coordinates afterwards, I wonder whether we...
Now, you get a whole paragraph. About 150 extra words. Here’s your chance to expand on your hook. Give a little bit more information about your main characters, their problems and conflicts, and the way in which adversity changes their lives. Read the back flaps of your favorite novels ...
(defn f "searchs the given value(inside !type atom) inside given text(vector-0f-texts)" [regex text] (count (re-seq (re-pattern regex) text))) (def function-text "str-path str") (f "str" function-text) => 2 ;expected => 1 6 deleted 913 characters in body Source Link ...
But PDCurses plays weird … Jan 20, 2017 83 int use_config_directory = false; One can now set the 'configure' folder from the command line. Useful … Jun 5, 2017 84 const char *alt_config_directory; Converted DOS-style CR/LF endings to *nix-style LF endings. GitHub sh… Dec 7...
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This is a text file. All printable characters. Frequency analysis shows 2 * '<' and 2 * '>' which is true of all plaintexts, whereas all other character frequencies change, which probably means something interesting is going on. I would say less than an hour to figure out your passw...
ConvertTo-Json gives unexpected characters in JSON payload. ConvertTo-SecureString : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'String' because it ConvertTo-SecureString Error ConvertTo-SecureString fails on a specific system Copy a file from current script directory? Copy a folder using Copy-Item Copy Activ...
Cannot be compressed because it includes characters that cannot be used in the compressed folder Computer boots in safe mode but not normal ? Computer locked: Prompt for BitLocker recovery key on blue screen - without previous BitLocker configuration for disk encryption computer restarted by WMIPrvse....
I'm using the built-in find/change by list script for a scholarly text. It works fine, but some search and replace queries that involve some more unusual characters are turned into gibberish. So I'm wondering if anybody knows whether the script is actually fully Unicode c...