從Experience Cloud Identity Service 1.5 版以後的版本開始,setCustomerIDs即包括可選用的AuthState物件。AuthState會根據訪客的驗證狀態 (例如,登入、登出) 來識別訪客。您可使用表中的狀態數值設定驗證狀態。驗證狀態會以整數傳回。 驗證狀態狀態整數用戶狀態 ...
從Experience Cloud Identity Service 1.5 版以後的版本開始,setCustomerIDs 即包括可選用的 AuthState 物件。AuthState 會根據訪客的驗證狀態 (例如,登入、登出) 來識別訪客。您可使用表中的狀態數值設定驗證狀態。驗證狀態會以整數傳回。 驗證狀態狀態整數用戶狀態 Visitor.AuthState.UNKNOWN 0 未知或從未驗證 當訪客...
Platform.sh provide “platform-as-a-service” hosting services for Adobe Commerce. This means they allow customers to develop commerce solutions via Adobe Commerce by providing fully automated cloud infrastructure. This is done on a single instance approach, meaning customer data is not comingled. ...
Adobe Cloud Services, adică: Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Document Cloud Real-Time Customer Data Platform Adobe Journey Optimizer Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition Customer Journey Analytics Adobe Analytics Workfront Target Audience Manager Amazon Web Services („AWS”) oferă servicii de găzduire...
通过CNAME 实施,您可以自定义 Adobe 使用的收藏集域,以便与您自己的域匹配。这些域也称作第一方收藏集域。通过这些实施,Adobe 可使用 JavaScript 在服务器端而非客户端设置第一方 Cookie。这些服务器端第一方 Cookie 过去不受 Apple 的智能反追踪 (ITP) 政策的约束。但是,2020 年 11 月,Apple 更新了政策,规定...
为实现其目标,公司决定将其 Adobe 平台与用于内容管理的 Adobe Experience Manager Sites as a Cloud Service 以及用于 A/B 测试的 Adobe Target 进行集成。通过测试获得的洞察有助于优化网站,为客户提供更直观的搜索和用户体验。 “现在,我们拥有了无缝集成的 Adobe 平台,可以将客户数据转化为个性化的内容和体验,...
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Financial organizations rely on Adobe for modern customer experiences. of the largest US banks use Adobe Experience CloudAccording to Forbes (3/13/24) of global asset managers use Adobe Experience CloudAccording to Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI) of the largest property and casualty insurance...
An Adobe Experience Manager Assets Cloud Service integration to streamline asset management and content delivery. Achat-based meeting schedulerfor landing pages that lets customers book their own appointments. Maximize revenue and deliver exceptional customer experiences by aligning marketing and sales teams ...
CoSo Cloud offers a deployment migration service for Adobe Connect. Will move from installed, on premise, cloud, multi-tenant hosted, or single-tenant managed service implementation.