reinstall the cc desktop app, if you're unable to install the cc desktop app at this stage, use an administrator account (solution 4 here,
您的密码被重置。 更多此类内容 Creative Cloud 会员资格提供的权益 管理Adobe ID 帐户 Adobe ID 帐户和登录疑难解答 重置或更改 Adobe 密码 法律声明|在线隐私政策 共享此页面 链接已复制 此页面有用吗? 是,谢谢不是太有用
Adobe Experience Cloud solutions help our business customers personalize and improve the performance of their websites, apps, and marketing messages. For example, these customers may use Adobe Experience Cloud solutions to collect and analyze information about how individuals use their websites (learn m...
reinstall the cc desktop app, if you're unable to install the cc desktop app at this stage, use an administrator account (solution 4 here,
We suggest the closest match to your entered email address or phone number.Already signed in with an incorrect email address?If you're already signed in with your incorrect email address to the Creative Cloud desktop app, try the following steps:Open...
Adobe websites; web-based services such as Behance; and web-based aspects of the Creative Cloud, Document Cloud and Experience Cloud (together referred to as "websites"); Services that display or include a reference to this policy; Adobe’s marketing, sales, and advertising practices; and The...
请阅读以下文档,了解有关在Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service中可以使用身份命名空间执行的操作的更多信息。 快速入门 身份命名空间需要了解各种Adobe Experience Platform服务。 开始使用命名空间之前,请参阅以下服务的文档: Real-Time Customer Profile:根据来自多个源的汇总数据,实时提供统一的客户个人资料。
Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Experience Manager Adobe PDF Services Advanced Data Operations Advanced Scraper (Independent Publisher) Affirmations (Independent Publisher) Africa's Talking Airtime Africa's Talking SMS Africa's Talking Voice AfterShip (Independent Publisher) AgilePoint NX Agilite Ahead Ahead (Int...
{ "name": "Phone", "type": "string", "xdm": { "type": "string" } }, { "name": "CreatedDate", "type": "string", "meta:xdmType": "date-time", "xdm": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" } } ] }, "connectionSpec": { "id": "cb66ab34-8...
Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Experience Manager Adobe PDF Services Advanced Data Operations Advanced Scraper (Independent Publisher) Affirmations (Independent Publisher) Africa's Talking Airtime Africa's Talking SMS Africa's Talking Voice AfterShip (Independent Publisher) AgilePoint NX Agilite Ahead Ahead (Int...