Please ensure that you are using the compatible OS version. For more information, refer to the following help document: As you get the "Fatal Error: Acrobat fail to load its core dll," please try the follow...
1、用优化大师或者魔方清理下注册列表,因为有可能你之前安装的已经注册在你的电脑上了,所以不管你后面安装多少次都是做无用功 2、重新找另外的资源点下载,后再安装 3、如果你安装这个软件是用来浏览pdf的话,我建议你使用“福晰阅读器”,完美支持pdf,而且是免费得,支持多种系统 谢谢采纳!
I just installed the newest update package, but to no avail. I also tried these solutions: They did not work, either. I am thinking that it may be caused by errors in the registry; but I am not sure h...
1、路径Acrobat_2015_Web_WWMUI.exe,这个是一个解压的过程,可以任意选择一个路径。 2、解 运行Adobe Reader 8 提示Acrobat failed to load its Core DLL 是怎么回事 意思是acrobat无法载入其核心的DLL,可能程序有问题,重新找个好的资源下载重装一下 猜你关注广告 1古茗奶茶加盟 2教师招聘 3中专升本科 1号...
运行Adobe Reader 8 提示Acrobat failed to load its Core DLL 是怎么回事 意思是acrobat无法载入其核心的DLL,可能程序有问题,重新找个好的资源下载重装一下 acrobat03 xi pro 和 adobe acrobat reader dc有什么区别 adobe acrobat reader dc 是Adobe reader xi之后的版本名称 adobe re 你好,"PDF Maker 无法找到...
Acrobat Sign ข้อเสนอพิเศษ ดูแผนและราคา ดูผลิตภัณฑ์ทั้งหมด สำหรับธุรกิจ Creative Cloud สำหรับธุรกิจ ...
I want to install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on my desktop, but the installation failed. Could you please help me? The following is the debugging info: PlayOnLinux debugging tool (v4.2.10) --- Debugging: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Warning: This is a PlayOnLinux ...
Mac: [Startup Disk]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/caps/ Win: %Program Files%/Common Files/Adobe/caps/ Still need help? If you still need assistance, contactAdobe Support. Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Chia sẻ trang này Đã sao chép liên kết ...
Configuration Manager可讓您將Acrobat Reader DC擴充功能認證上傳至JEE信任存放區上的AEM Forms。 這表示透過遠端通訊協定(SOAP和EJB)存取「信任存放區認證服務」已預設啟用。 使用Configuration Manager上傳許可權認證後,或決定稍後使用Administration Console管理認證後...