Please ensure that you are using the compatible OS version. For more information, refer to the following help document: As you get the "Fatal Error: Acrobat fail to load its core dll," please try the following troublesh...
adobe acrobat failed to load its Core DLL ustur New Here , Apr 08, 2013 Copy link to clipboard I have had this problem for over a week. I have uninstalled and re-installed adobe reader X1 more than 3 times. I have also re-installed my OS system windows 7, still no ...
1、用优化大师或者魔方清理下注册列表,因为有可能你之前安装的已经注册在你的电脑上了,所以不管你后面安装多少次都是做无用功 2、重新找另外的资源点下载,后再安装 3、如果你安装这个软件是用来浏览pdf的话,我建议你使用“福晰阅读器”,完美支持pdf,而且是免费得,支持多种系统 谢谢采纳!
刚到货的12800h..Acrobat failed to load its Core DLL,总是弹出error框,有没有大佬知道@神船大副@机械革命大管家 @神船大副 捞捞
1、路径Acrobat_2015_Web_WWMUI.exe,这个是一个解压的过程,可以任意选择一个路径。 2、解 运行Adobe Reader 8 提示Acrobat failed to load its Core DLL 是怎么回事 意思是acrobat无法载入其核心的DLL,可能程序有问题,重新找个好的资源下载重装一下 猜你关注广告 1古茗奶茶加盟 2教师招聘 3中专升本科 1号...
广告 求助,Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 一打开就闪退 解决的途径用两种方式: 1、把软件的自动更新取消掉再使用- 因为adobe-acrobat和pdf文... 打开软件, 编辑--->首选项--->安全性(增强)--->... 运行Adobe Reader 8 提示Acrobat failed to load its Core DLL 是怎么回事 意思是acrobat无法载入其核心的DLL,...
Acrobat สำหรับธุรกิจ สำหรับการศึกษา ส่วนลดสำหรับนักเรียนนักศึกษาและครู
Mac: [Startup Disk]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/caps/ Win: %Program Files%/Common Files/Adobe/caps/ Still need help? If you still need assistance, contactAdobe Support. Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Kongsi halaman ini Pautan disalin ...
That means, it installs Adobe Acrobat Reader DC without online services. But I would like to access to my Adobe account. To accomplish this task, I removed all lines from this script that make changes to the registry. After that, the program still install OK and its possible to open the...