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I spent 25 years at JPMorgan Chase and would have retired from there; however - during my 25 year career I was laid off 3 times with the last time being told we were training another state because it was getting so busy - when in reality we trained another state t...
Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-Houston, TX-2024年5月29日 Enjoyed my time there. Very Professional environment. Enjoyed meeting new people. Easy to take time off if needed with flexible schedule that is offered, excellent work life balance. ...
A Houston Industrial Staffing company specializing in hiring for Industrial, Distribution, Warehousing, Administrative, Clerical and Professional temporary and permanent personnel. Over 30 yrs experience in the employment industry.
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Consultive 4.0 out of 5 stars.4.0 2 reviews Follow Write a review Job Title Administrative Assistance21 salaries Location Australia Administrative Assistance Planner $148,847 per year 2 salaries reported Quantity Surveyor $138,593 per year 19 salaries reported ...
Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-Houston, TX-2020年8月7日 My time with ATT was amazing. We were likw one big extemded family. Work experience was great. I workwd in many diffrent departments. We made great pay, had great Benifits and we were union, definitely a plus. ...
Administrative Assistant(在职员工)-Houston, TX 77056-2018年1月26日 Very good place to work. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Benefits are great.Very little micro-management.My only issue is the lack of career advancement. 这篇点评对您有用吗?