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Administrative Assistant(在职员工)-Houston, TX-2024年10月24日 Management expects you to work nights and weekends. They know they are running lean, but tell employees to find solutions to being overworked. You spen more time in meetings that work. They have taken away our remote work flexibility...
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Liang-Franco is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles, where she majored in history. She holds an MBA from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. Parice Bowserhas been named assistant vice chancellor for Greek Life and associate dean of students at the...
Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-Houston, TX-2020年8月7日 My time with ATT was amazing. We were likw one big extemded family. Work experience was great. I workwd in many diffrent departments. We made great pay, had great Benifits and we were union, definitely a plus. ...
Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-United States-2022年7月20日 This job is not what I thought. Very disorganized and no communication. Unhappy clients. Lots of things need to be done. They expect you to do 50 million jobs. Lots of micromanaging.I don’t feel like I’m truly a par...
Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-Houston, TX-2020年11月5日 Work-life balance Work-life balance at Ecolab is not to par where it should have been Job security and advancement In terms of job security at Ecolab, I think you have it as mgr are not being held accountable ...
Administrative Assistant (离职员工) - Cambridge, MA - 2015年5月4日 I have worked a good number of jobs in retail and I would say that Whole Foods is definitely one of the best environments I have worked in as far as retail/grocers go. Good benefits, managers are typically very fair and...