a.Fearless and daring; courageous:a bold leader. b.Requiring or exhibiting courage or daring:a bold voyage to unknown lands.See Synonyms atbrave. 2.Unduly forward and brazen; impudent:a bold, sassy child. 3.Strikingly different or unconventional; arresting or provocative:"[He]laid out a bold...
Being aleaderin one'sfield. Importantorimpressive. Synonyms: heavy,dense,hefty,ponderous,weighty,leaden,substantial,weighing a ton,burdensome,cumbrous,cumbersome,massive,bulky,lumbersome,overweight,clunking,weightful,sweer,weightsome,huge,big,large,elephantine,considerable,excessive,ample,vast,immense,colossal...
Daniel's natural talent is for engineering. It was my natural instinct to defend myself. When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep. Extra Examples [only before noun] having an ability that you were born with He's a natural leader. She's ...
Someone who is charismatic is perhaps a good leader, people are drawn to them, people want to follow them, want to come to them. Charismatic doesn't necessarily mean that that person is a good person or a bad person, just that they are very good at drawing people to them. People tell...
a political party/leader/opponent What are your political sympathies? Peace organizations are being used as fronts for political agendas. a successful political career the right to participate in political processes. the US political system Extra Examples Oxford Collocations Dictionary (of people) in...
8. Leo is eager for fame since childhood. 9. This plateau is rich in different minerals. 10. I like to be surrounded by energetic and open-hearted people. 11. Tyler looks very pale, it seems he’s ill with fever or flu. 12. He tends to be a leader who is worthy of respect and...
Antonyms.leader disobey disoblige violatepredate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along. What is the sentence of amazing? Amazing sentence example.It was amazing how children honed in on parents emotions and sympathized. It is amazing how his Serene Highness could so foresee...
Spinning around, the conspirator thrust a knife into the leader's back. What do you call someone who plots? PLANNER- PLOTTER - SCHEMER - SERPENT - TRAITOR - TRIMMER. What do you mean by collaborators? :a person who collaborates with another: such as. a : someone who works with another...
Hitting the ground running in a new organization is a huge challenge for a leader. We have to assess the overall health of the teams, the technical aspects of the job, the talent of the individuals, the organizational dynamics, and… Continue Reading → May 14, 2020 Scaling the Architectur...
(of a ruler or leader, or their position)not opposed by anyone He is in a position of unchallenged authority. without being stopped and asked to explain who you are, what you are doing, etc. I walked into the building unchallenged. ...