Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbsheaveandheavywhich may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. heavy heavyweight Of the heavyweight boxing (or similar) division. Being relativelyheavy. Being aleaderin one'sfield. ...
Easygoing is a good thing to be, generally, in my opinion. Easygoing means you're relax, you'll just do whatever, you're happy to just hang out, if someone makes a suggestion, you're cool with that. Alright, fine, that's great for me, I'll do whatever. My best friend is very...
1 : the quality or state of being urgent :insistence. 2 : a force or impulse that impels or constrains : urge. How would you define a sense of urgency? In a business context, to have a sense of urgency isto act promptly and with intention to make things happen efficiently and effectiv...
a company whose other apps I love and use often. I own or have used most of SmartyEars apps. I was hoping for an app that thoroughly worked on the receptive language component of this skill. I have come to trust Smarty Ears apps as being robust, versatile, and functional. Sadly, this...