Got something to say? JOIN THE CONVERSATION With round two of adidas Skateboarding's spring crop beginning to hit retailers, we see this red take on theCampus Vulc. The suede sneaks are complemented with white branding alongside, on the tongue, and at the heel, as additional touches of blac...
关于adidas c..这是WEARTESTED对CAMPUS VULC LOW做的评测,大家自己看吧...我的体会是这鞋唯一不足的地方就是鞋垫上面那层印满标志的布很容易脱落,可能会造成使用时候的不舒服,但是可以直接把它撕下
知名运动品牌adidas Originals滑板系列adidas Skateboardin推出全新配色Campus Vulc。 也许长时间对品牌的关注和了解,我们早已经被adidas Originals的蓝色配色以及上面那或蓝或白的三叶草所影响,甚至以及忘却了三叶草原有的绿色。此次的adidas Skateboardin就以真实三叶草的颜色绿色为主色设计,通过深浅颜色的交换、材质的拼接等...
图片中的这款Campus中帮是adidas滑板系列为旗下滑手Tim O’Connor最新推出的签名款产品,蓝/黑/黄的配色让这款鞋看上去分外低调,一如Tim O’Connor本人行事风格,白色的裸露车线,金色的O’Connor和adidas3页草标志倒是不多的几个视觉跳跃元素。目前这款新品已在美国streetwear/skate店铺 Premier 有售,国内的朋友请...
Complex Original Mid-top skate sneaks may not always be the most popular play, but that of course doesn't stop adidas from letting loose new color options of theCampus Vulc Mid. The versatile silhouette has here been done up in suede and canvas, as white, black and blue branding all comp...
adidasSkateboarding(滑板系列)7月新品已经抵达Atlas店铺,新品包括Campus Vulc(硫化地),Busenitz Pro Model以及 Superstar (Peter Eldridge) Pro Model.同时也有部分旧款补货,包括经典的黑白Campus Vulc低帮和高帮! ………. Campus Vulc Low: Busenitz: Peter...
CampusCampus VulcAdidas CampusAdidas SkateboardingAdidasNewsAdidas Sign Up for the Newsletter By entering your email, you agree to receive customized marketing messages from us and our advertising partners. You also acknowledge that this site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and that ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms...
adidas滑板系列新品:Campus Vulcs Campus Vulcs橘黄配色,FLY有售,单价580元 Post By: Mr.Robot @ 十 03, 2010 Tags:adidas 滑板系列 Campus Vulcs Share to: COMMENTS FEATURES
日前滑板品牌 Alltimers 与 adidas Skateboarding 合作推出全新联名系列。整个系列围绕滑板营造出浓厚的复古气息,带来了包括:衬衫、T 恤、运动服、帽衫、健身包和一双 Campus Vulc 运动鞋。adidas 特意为这次联名的服饰采用了环保棉面料,舒适感的增加使得用家滑板时可以达到更理想的状态。 哈哈哈,所以星华给大家带来的...
CAMPUS系列是阿迪达斯非常经典的一款滑板鞋。这双CAMPUS VULC II ADV沿袭了CAMPUS的经典设计,并进行了日常穿着的修改。鞋面采用绒面革材质,同时两侧三条纹和后跟使用光面皮革突出亮点。特别使用保护性PU鞋垫配合中底增加缓震,并且脚感舒适。采用硫化橡胶外底,耐磨抓地不错。织物内衬穿着舒适,简约风格适合日常穿搭。 什么...