知名运动品牌adidas Originals滑板系列adidas Skateboardin推出全新配色Campus Vulc。 也许长时间对品牌的关注和了解,我们早已经被adidas Originals的蓝色配色以及上面那或蓝或白的三叶草所影响,甚至以及忘却了三叶草原有的绿色。此次的adidas Skateboardin就以真实三叶草的颜色绿色为主色设计,通过深浅颜色的交换、材质的拼接等...
adidas skateboarding的 鞋子 相对其他的滑板品牌来说 还是比较低端的 2楼2011-01-21 17:56 回复 chicye 大板混 13 Vulc没有试过...但是早期款式的Adidas Skateboarding感觉很不错,SuperStar, Stan Smith都很好。推荐楼主试试Campus ST,很爽!现在在用Tapper Evolution,也是一个牛货,很爽很黏板同时却很好...
With round two of adidas Skateboarding's spring crop beginning to hit retailers, we see this red take on theCampus Vulc. The suede sneaks are complemented with white branding alongside, on the tongue, and at the heel, as additional touches of black can be noted in the lining, heel padding...
谁说复古就要串标?Alltimers × adidas Skateboarding推出合作系列! 日前滑板品牌 Alltimers 与 adidas Skateboarding 合作推出全新联名系列。整个系列围绕滑板营造出浓厚的复古气息,带来了包括:衬衫、T 恤、运动服、帽衫、健身包和一双 Campus Vulc 运动鞋。adidas 特
adidasSkateboarding(滑板系列)7月新品已经抵达Atlas店铺,新品包括Campus Vulc(硫化地),Busenitz Pro Model以及 Superstar (Peter Eldridge) Pro Model.同时也有部分旧款补货,包括经典的黑白Campus Vulc低帮和高帮! ………. Campus Vulc Low: Busenitz: Peter...
CampusCampus VulcAdidas CampusAdidas SkateboardingAdidasNewsAdidas Sign Up for the Newsletter By entering your email, you agree to receive customized marketing messages from us and our advertising partners. You also acknowledge that this site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and that ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms...
日前滑板品牌 Alltimers 与 adidas Skateboarding 合作推出全新联名系列。整个系列围绕滑板营造出浓厚的复古气息,带来了包括:衬衫、T 恤、运动服、帽衫、健身包和一双 Campus Vulc 运动鞋。adidas 特意为这次联名的服饰采用了环保棉面料,舒适感的增加使得用家滑板时可以达到更理想的状态。 哈哈哈,所以星华给大家带来的...
Adidas CampusAdidasCampus VulcAdidas SkateboardingNewsAdidas Sign Up for the Newsletter By entering your email, you agree to receive customized marketing messages from us and our advertising partners. You also acknowledge that this site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and that ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of...
campus vulc " que l’on reconnaît à sa semelle moins épaisse et la mention “ skateboarding ” sur le bas du talon. cet été, la adidas campus 00 est indéniablement de retour en force faisant déjà fait l’objet de collaborations avec de grands noms de streetwear comme bape ou...
作为adidas skateboarding在今年新推出的鞋型,ADI-Eaze Gonzales自一推出,其受欢迎程度便直追经典鞋款 Campus VULC ,简单的鞋型,加上滑板先驱元老Mark Gonzales亲自负责的的配色和插画设计,ADI-Eaze没有理由 会被大家们忽略。新一季的ADI-Eaze Gonzales(米/灰配色)已经抵达英国店铺flatspot,国内尚无发售消息 source:...