What’s an ad-hoc command? An ad-hoc command is something that you might type in to do something really quick, but don’t want to save for later. This is a good place to start to understand the basics of what Ansible can do prior to learning the playbooks language – ad-hoc comma...
[root@workstationansible]# ansibleall-m shell-a'useradd ansible'-k SSH password: servera|CHANGED|rc=0>>serverb|CHANGED|rc=0>>[root@workstationansible]# ansibleall-m shell-a'echo redhat | passwd --stdin ansible'-k SSH password: serverb|CHANGED|rc=0>>Changing passwordforuseransible. pass...
二.TestCommandRunner 三.TestPlauBookRunner 四. ansible api的安装 五. pycharm 将文件同步到 linux 回到顶部 一.TestAdHocRunner ① ② ③ 回到顶部 二.TestCommandRunner ① ② ③ 回到顶部 三.TestPlauBookRunner ① ②文件中的内容 ③ ④执行的结果同上 回到顶部 四. ansible api的安装 前提 python36和...
一.TestAdHocRunner ① ② ③ 二.TestCommandRunner ① ② ③ 三.TestPlauBookRunner ① ②文件中的内容 ③ ④执行的结果同上 四. ansible api的安装 前提 python36和django 已安装号 1. 2. 1. yum install -y python36-pip python36-devel 1. 2. 2. yum install -y openssl-devel 1. 2. 3. pi...
配置与ansible用户的免密 [root@workstationansible]# ssh-copy-id ansible@servera/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already insta...
= {"hosts": hosts, "module": module, "module_args": command, "sudo": sudo...后端的业务逻辑如下,是会通过循环的方式调用ansible_adhoc def mysql_backupconf_batch_sync(request): return_dict = {}...begin_minute,temp.backup_ip,temp.backup_instanceport) print(commend) result = ansible_ad...
if key not in ["hostname", "port", "username", "password"]: GeneralHost.set_variable(key, value) NewGroup.add_host(GeneralHost) return self.inventory.add_group(NewGroup) def gen_inventory(self): ''' Dynamic generate host inventory of ansible ...
为以后用的方便,记录一下(主要是怕忘,又得折腾半天) 直接贴代码,没太多注释,看不懂的看下源码。Pycharm+b Ansible 2.0 之后的 API 比 2.0 之前要复杂,但...
Ansible Ad-Hoc: Simplifying IT Automation In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, system administrators are under constant pressure to automate routine tasks, ensure infrastructure stability, and r Ansible ci IT 原创 睿睿睿宝子 9月前 27阅读 ...
Summary ansible {{"localhost"}} -m ping doesn't do what it should- core playbook host expressions support it, but adhoc does not. Issue Type Bug Report Component Name adhoc Ansible Version $ ansible --version < 2.18 Configuration # if us...