“additional property on is not allowed”这一错误信息通常出现在处理JSON数据并对其进行模式验证(Schema Validation)时。它表明在JSON数据中,存在一个或多个属性,这些属性在指定的JSON Schema中并未定义,因此不被允许。 2. 常见原因 Schema不匹配:JSON数据中的属性与JSON Schema中定义的属性不匹配。可能是在JSON中...
通过将mysql放在与web服务同一层级,并使用depends_on关键字指定依赖关系,我们可以确保web服务在mysql服务启动之前不会启动。这样可以避免由于服务依赖关系不正确导致的’Additional property is not allowed’错误。 通过以上步骤和示例配置文件,您应该能够解决Docker Compose中的’Additional property is not allowed’错误。...
Package Name: @azure/openai Package Version: "1.0.0-beta.5" Operating system: macos nodejs version: browser name/version: typescript version: Is the bug related to documentation in README.md source code documentation SDK API docs on http...
I have been trying to figure out for a few weeks what this means, as whatever template I use states additional xteve is not allowed. xteve: container_name: xteve environment: - PUID=1001 - PGID=100 …
问题 今天使用rocky-linux8.5安装了docker-composer然后安装了gitea,安装时遇到错误services.server Additional property db is not allowed 解决方法 首先是yml格式问题报了其他错误,解决之后就报上面错误,网上有人说是
It is throwing error as “command Additional property command is not allowed.” Can you please check and advise. Thanks, Hemanth. terpz(Martin Terp)August 13, 2018, 7:59am2 Hi Its because you have “command:” under deploy, the same goes for “networks:”, these are not valid arguments...
$docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml foointernal Additional property internal is not allowed Describe the results you received: (see above) Describe the results you expected: An internal network to be created :) Output ofdocker version: ...
DWORD value name: ScanBeforeInitialLogonAllowed Value data: 1 Warning This value is designed to be used only for scenarios with a deferred initial user sign in. Setting this value on devices where initial user sign in isn't delayed could have a detrimental effect on performance since it may...
Docker CLI无法组合"Additionalproperty postgres is not allowed“ 、、 image: postgres:latest - "15432:5432"docker compose up -d(root)Additional 浏览417提问于2021-05-22得票数3 1回答 单击链接-> set cookie ->additionalstylesheet loaded 、、、 ...
ProcessNotAllowed ProgrammingState PropertyType ProtectionMode Protocol ProtocolValue ProvisioningState ProxyServerProperties PublisherInfo PurdueLevel QueryCheck QueuePurgesNotInAllowedRange Rank RecommendationAction RecommendationConfigStatus RecommendationConfigurationProperties RecommendationSeverity RecommendationStatus Recommen...