通过将mysql放在与web服务同一层级,并使用depends_on关键字指定依赖关系,我们可以确保web服务在mysql服务启动之前不会启动。这样可以避免由于服务依赖关系不正确导致的’Additional property is not allowed’错误。 通过以上步骤和示例配置文件,您应该能够解决Docker Compose中的’Additional property is not allowed’错误。...
今天使用rocky-linux8.5安装了docker-composer然后安装了gitea,安装时遇到错误services.server Additional property db is not allowed 解决方法 首先是yml格式问题报了其他错误,解决之后就报上面错误,网上有人说是跟docker-compose的版本有关系,其实不是,我用的docker版本是20.10.12,docker-compose的版本是v2.2.2(离线安...
$docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml foointernal Additional property internal is not allowed Describe the results you received: (see above) Describe the results you expected: An internal network to be created :) Output ofdocker version: ...
If the additionalItems keyword is 'true', then any additional array items in the instance array are allowed (regardless of there type or value). If the additionalItems keyword is 'false', then additional array items in the instance array are NOT allowed. If the additionalItems keyword contains...
4) It is required if you've chosen to migrate archive mailboxes only or both primary and archive mailboxes (learn more). Allowed values: Primary or Archive. 5) This data field uses the ExternalDirectoryObjectId property value in Office 365 or ExchangeGuid in on-premises Exchange. 6) This...
<Property name=’label’ value=’Recalculate’/> <Property name=’command’ value=’Recalculate’/> </Display> </Field> For more information on user views, see the section titledUser View and Forms. Field Display Properties TheDisplayelement is common to all visible form fields.Displayelements ...
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,using more than one user name, are not allowed. 0x000004C5 -4294966075 Error_Dup_Domainename The workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network. 0x000005D5 -4294965803 NULL 0x00000619 -42...
I have created a Static Library and am attempting to include header files in another file location that are not inside my project file tree. For whatever reason the absolute path works just fine, but when I try to use the relative path instead, my static library is not importing those ...
The intervenor must demonstrate some practical effect of the outcome of the case on his or her rights or property. If a person is not allowed to intervene, the person is not bound by the judgment given in the case. An intervenor must make the request to intervene in a motion to the ...
ABSD Singapore, Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty. It is an additional amount of tax that has to be paid whenever an individual goes on to buy a second and subsequent residential property Singapore.