Error generating completion: { message: "Additional properties are not allowed ('functionCall' was unexpected) - 'messages.1'", type: 'invalid_request_error', param: null, code: null } deyaaeldeen added OpenAI on Sep 7, 2023 Hi@austintackaberry, thanks for opening this report! I tried ...
Notice the following errors are displayed: ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: > services.kimai.healthcheck value Additional properties are not allowed ('start_period' was unexpected) services.nginx.healthcheck value Additional properties are not allowed ('start_period...
my current local poetry version is 1.2.2 I following docs: Getting Started with Django on Render my <render.yaml> file: databases: name: mysite databaseName: mysite user: mysite region: singapore services: type: web name: mysite env: python region: singapore buildCommand: ...
"Additional properties are not allowed ('requires' was unexpected)" when trying to build mbed_blinky I acquired the mbed OS by using "add libraries" and The project will not build on my FRDM-K66F because of this error which comes from multiple mbed_li...
Compose file is invalid because ... Additional properties are not allowed Compose 07537February 18, 2021 ERROR compose.yml: services.databases Additional property web is not allowed General docker-compose 11234June 1, 2024 Validating /home/jenkins/jenkins-data/docker-compose.yml: (root) Additional ...
16.error Entry not found in index 查询的数据不存在。最直观的可能就是你所查询的数据是脏数据,源数据已经被清除,再查询时,就会报这个错误 17.链码间调用无力吐槽之一,chaincode里面调用另外的chaincode时,错误是放在payload里面的。 InvokeChaincode.png
I have been trying to figure out for a few weeks what this means, as whatever template I use states additional xteve is not allowed. xteve: container_name: xteve environment: - PUID=1001 - PGID=100 - TZ=Pacific/Auckland ports:
并且可以限制最大思考时间额外属性(Additional attributes) 混合配置(Miscellaneous) 可以设定在发生错误时继续运行脚本(Conti…|基于2个网页 3. 附加的属性 Xml 元素包含一些附加的属性(additional attributes),以便在文件被加载时提供更多的控制。|基于2个网页 更多释义 例句...
If the additionalItems keyword is 'false', then additional array items in the instance array are NOT allowed. If the additionalItems keyword contains a schema, then additional array items in the instance array must validate against this schema.Tuple...
options has an unknown property 'prependData'. These properties are valid: object { implementation?, sassOptions?, additionalData?, sourceMap?, webpackImporter? } 2021-02-05 21:41 − ... 努力~努力再努力~ 1 5773 相关推荐 Sass Loader报错:ValidationError: Invalid options object. Sass Loader...