{test:/\.svg$/,use: [ {loader:"babel-loader"}, {loader:"react-svg-loader",options: {jsx:true} } ] }, {enforce:"pre",test:/\.js$/,exclude:/node_modules/,loader:"eslint-loader",options: {failOnWarning:false,failOnError:true} }, {test:/\.js$/,include:SRC_DIR,loader:'babel-...
exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: [ [ 'module-resolver', { extensions: [ '.ios.ts', '.android.ts', '.ts', '.ios.tsx', '.android.tsx', '.tsx', '.jsx', '.js', '.svg', '.png', '.jpg', '.webp', '.json', ],...
I've reached out to Microsoft for assistance and have not had any luck so far. If someone can help resolve the issue I would appreciate it. Hi , From what I understand, this issue is likely due to the fact that the Microsoft Defender XDR data connector only supports a specific ...
July 22, 2023 Smooth Animation with React and Framer Motion July 22, 2023 Smooth Animation with React and Framer
<ReactCountryFlag className="text-5xl sm:text-3xl" svg countryCode={topCountry}/> {number} })} </Card> <Card className="p-5"> {timeseriesPageviews ? ( <BarChart allowDecimals={false} showAnimation data={timeseriesPageviews.map((day) => ({ name: day.date, Visitors: day.even...
The code in this function makes a request toexample.com. If the request status is 200, it returns the green badge as an SVG file; otherwise, it returns the red badge. You cancheck out the function, but I’ll also include the code here for reference: ...
Hello, May I ask for help with this please. I am running a web store, and in columns A-C (marked as 1) you can see parts of the sales report (see screenshot). In column D, I wish to autom... However, order could be date on last date of the month, i.e. Aug 3...
Note that thetag points to/reactStartup.tsx. Adjust that to your own entry as needed. Let’s install a few things, like a React plugin: npm i vite @vitejs/plugin-react @types/node We also create the followingvite.config.tsright next to theindex.htmlfile in the project directory. ...
In webpack, however, you don’t split the compilation. You treat the front-end asa whole single thing.To include styles and other assets, youimportthem: // comments.jsimport_from'lodash';import'./comments.scss'; * ← HereimporticonUrlfrom'./commentsIcon.svg'; * ← And hereexportfunction...
First, we’re going to write scripts that enable the player to shoot objects in the scene. Then, we’re going to build enemies to populate the scene, including code to both wander around aimlessly and react to being hit. Finally, we’re going to enable the enemies to fight back, emitti...