在react-native的image组件中显示本地SVG图像,可以通过以下步骤实现: 导入所需的依赖库:在项目的根目录中,使用npm或yarn安装react-native-svg库和react-native-svg-transformer库。这些库将帮助我们加载和渲染SVG图像。 配置react-native-svg-transformer:在项目的根目录下,找到metro.config.js文件(如果没有则新...
还好有个比较好的修改方案,就是使用GitHub - gsoft-inc/craco: Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app插件。 照着svgr官方文档的配置方式,再结合 craco 的修改默认 webpack 配置的方案,成功加载了插件,但是仍旧无法使用。 正所谓,“山重水复...
Using SVG as a reusable React component is a great way to leverage its flexibility and scalability in a React application. It also enables customization throughout the application and leverages React’s component-based architecture to create dynamic and interactive SVGs. There are different ways to ...
Import your.svgfile inside a React component: importLogofrom"./logo.svg"; You can then use your image as a component: <Logowidth={120}height={40}/> Demo / Expo demo (iOS/Android/Web) react-native-svg-example react-native-svg-expo-example ...
import Svg, { Circle, Ellipse, G, Text, TSpan, TextPath, Path, Polygon, Polyline, Line, Rect, Use, Image, Symbol, Defs, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, Stop, ClipPath, Pattern, Mask, } from 'react-native-svg'; import React from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-nati...
reactjavascriptsvgvuesvgovue3vitevite2 UpdatedMar 4, 2023 JavaScript cncf/svg-autocrop Star105 Code Issues Pull requests 🚗🌽🔳An NPM module to autocrop and slim down SVGs svgcropsvg-iconscleanercrop-imagesvgoautocrop UpdatedMar 27, 2022 ...
140 pod 'RNSVG', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-svg' 141 ``` 142 143 If `cocoapods` is used and if error `RNSVGImage.m:12:9: 'React/RCTImageLoader.h' file not found` occurs: 144 145 Add the following entry in Podfile: ...
import React from 'react'; import Animated from './Animated.svg'; function App() { return ( svg-animation ); } export default App; Method (2) Import SVG usingsvg-react-loader- "A webpack loader allowing for inline usage of a SVG as a React component" as mentioned on the github page...