PUBLIC_HEADER:如果install这个library的话,这个值保存头文件的目录 UNKNOWN类型,在不需要明确library类型时使用。 object library add_library(<name> OBJECT <src>...) 1. 库的类型固定为OBJECT,这种库编译了源文件,但不链接。实际中没用过,没有仔细研究。使用方法: add_library(... $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib>...
CMakeLists.txt单行注释和多行注释 target_link_libraries 中的PRIVATE, PUBLIC, INTERFACE 区别 作者:bandaoyu,持续更新,链接: 官网查阅 CMake 3.22.0-rc1文档:
下面我们分别来看下每个文件中的内容,首先是库的代码xlog.h 和xlog.cpp 。 //xlog.h#ifndef XLOG_H#define XLOG_H#include<string>classXLog{public:voidAdd(std::stringlog);};#endif // xlog.cpp #include "xlog.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; void XLog::Add(std::string log) { c...
add_library( swap_library STATIC src/Swap.cpp ) target_include_directories( swap_lib PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) ### # Create an executable ### # Add an executable with the above sources add_executable( swap_01 main.cpp ) # link the new swap_01 target with the swap_lib ...
target_include_directories(libname PUBLIC 'path/to/header1' 'path/to/header2') ``` 在上述代码中,通过target_include_directories命令将“path/to/header1”和“path/to/header2”目录下的头文件添加到库文件中。 还可以使用源文件列表来创建不同类型的库文件,如静态库和共享库。例如,创建静态库: ```cma...
1 . JNI 简介 : JNI 是一套框架 , 能够让开发者在 Java 中调用 C / C++ 代码 , JNI 范围较广...
去年的 Android之NDK开发初体验 这篇文章讲述NDK开发环境的搭建,以及在AndroidStudio3.0版本之前的NKDK...
Anymore-build / LSPosed-Irena Public forked from re-zero001/LSPosed-Irena Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights CommitAdd missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH env Browse files fix dex2oat64 failed Co-Authored-By: JingMatrix <>...
swoole / swoole-cli Public Notifications Fork 36 Star 192 Code Issues 27 Pull requests 4 Actions Security Insights Commitadd liburing io_uring library (#700) Browse files Loading branch information jingjingxyk authored Sep 9, 2024 1 parent c113b5a commit 238f0f2 Showing 2 changed ...
Scopeis an optional argument that can be eitherPUBLIC,PRIVATE, orINTERFACE. The last parameter(s) is alist of libraries to link, where each item is the name of the library given inadd_library. For more information on the scope, check out thissection ontarget_include_directoriesin CMake. ...