target_link_libraries(demo libsugan) 连接库: target_link_libraries(demo libsugan) target_link_libraries(app libsort.a) #生成app 链入 libsort.a静态库 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(app libsort.a) 原例子: add_library,target_link_libraries,set_target_properties,target_link_libraries使用联系:https://blog...
3. target_link_libraries 该指令的作用为将目标文件与库文件进行链接。该指令的语法如下: target_link_libraries(<target> [item1] [item2] [...] [[debug|optimized|general] <item>] ...) 上述指令中的<target>是指通过add_executable()和add_library()指令生成已经创建的目标文件。而[item]表示库文件...
cmake学习笔记之add_library、target_link_libraries和l。。。cmake是Linux(这⾥默认是Ubuntu系统)下常使⽤的编译C++的⼯具,⽽使⽤cmake就需要先在CmakeLists.txt⽂件中对编译规则进⾏。这 ⾥介绍常⽤的三种指令add_library、target_link_libraries和link_directories,该笔记主要参考了cmake官⽹...
cmake学习笔记之add_library、target_link_libraries和link_directories 2019-08-08 21:51 −... 大老虎打老虎 0 50485 How to Create DLL(Dynamic link library) 2019-12-07 18:41 −该文章属于在YouTube视频上看到的,链接如下: 1.创建一个工程...
target_link_libraries (sample_project ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 生成一个.so动态库的 CMakeList #用${SRC_LISTS}指定的所有的源文件生成一个库,名字叫libsugan add_library(libsugan ${SRC_LISTS}) #生成libsugan库需要链接 ${OpenCV_LIBS}、 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DI...
The Library Browser only supports libraries. You cannot display the contents of a model in the Library Browser. Add aGainblock to the library. In the MATLAB®Command Window, enter this command to set theEnableLBRepositorylibrary property to'on'. Your library will appear in the Library Browser...
Target nameis the name of the target you want to add your libraries to. Scopeis an optional argument that can be eitherPUBLIC,PRIVATE, orINTERFACE. The last parameter(s) is alist of libraries to link, where each item is the name of the library given inadd_library. ...
The Library Browser only supports libraries. You cannot display the contents of a model in the Library Browser. Add aGainblock to the library. In the MATLAB®Command Window, enter this command to set theEnableLBRepositorylibrary property to'on'. Your library will appear in the Library Browser...
Useful middleware libraries for CH32X035 series. / 一些适用于CH32X035系列芯片的有用的中间件库。 - add libraries · WuxiProject-offical/CH32X035-HelperLibrary@a46593d
As a beginner i'm trying download new libraries like boost.h. But after extract the tar file i dont know what i should do. How i add new libraries on my system to use. i am using clion. Thanks a lot EDİT: I don't want to use homebrew or pipPosted...