Set the pbstrComponentAdded parameter to the name you want to be displayed in the Add Reference dialog box. This name should be the same name as that returned with a call to GetText. The environment only calls this method for registered libraries of a global browse container. Applies to...
Libraries # # 9. Themes # # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-alpha is not set # end of 9. Themes CONFIG_PACKAGE_default-settings=y CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-autoreboot-zh-cn=y # CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-base-ca is not set @@ -5201,6 +5399,8 @@ CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-i18n-firewall-zh-cn...
This method sets the pbstrComponentAdded parameter to the name you want to be displayed in the Add Reference dialog box. This name should be the same name as that returned with a call to GetText. The environment only calls this method for registered libraries of a global browse cont...
We've seen multiple user reports of issues with Next.js 15 and popular embedding libraries. This PR resolves those issues by adding embedding function libraries toserverExternalPackages. These embedding functions depend on lower-level Node.js libraries likesharpandonnxruntime-node, which seem incompa...
Set the pbstrComponentAdded parameter to the name you want to be displayed in the Add Reference dialog box. This name should be the same name as that returned with a call to GetText. The environment only calls this method for registered libraries of a global browse container. Applies ...
public: int AddExistingProjectItems(System::UInt32 itemidLoc, Guid % rguidProject, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Interop::IVsProject ^ pProject, System::UInt32 grfEditorFlags, Guid % rguidEditorType, System::String ^ pszPhysicalView, Guid % rguidLogicalView, ...
event.add_ui_callback(self.fill_libraries_location,'libraries_modified', self.collection) self.fill_libraries_location() self.entry = self.location_bar.get_children()[0] self.entry.connect('activate', self.entry_activate)# Set up the search entryself.filter = guiutil.SearchEntry(self.builder...
Adds a protocol to the debuggable protocol list. C++/CX Көшіру public: int AddDebuggableProtocol(Platform::String ^ bstrProtocol); Parameters bstrProtocol String [in] The protocol to add to the list. Returns Int32 Returns S_OK if add is successful; returns S_F...
Are there any base64 encoding/decoding libraries ? argc and argv in Visual C++ Argument of type 'const char*' is incompatible with parameter of type 'char*' Array of Bytes convert to bitmap in c++ array type int not assignable AssemblyInfo.cpp(1): warning C4005: '__CLR_VER' : macro ...
_libraryManager.Libraries.Add(defaultLibrary); Extra =newList<XmlElement>(); _texturePool =newMetaTexturePool(); _texturePool.AddPool(defaultLibrary.Uid, defaultLibrary.TexturePool); _tilePools =newMetaTilePoolManager(_texturePool); _tilePools.AddManager(defaultLibrary.Uid, defaultLibrary.TilePoolMana...