After you add a Win32 app to Intune, you can use Intune to create one or more supersedence relationships between apps. In general, supersedence is where you update or replace something. In Intune, supersedence enables you to update and replace existing Win32 apps with newer versions of ...
將Win32 應用程式新增至 Intune 步驟1:應用程式資訊 顯示其他 8 個 準備Win32 應用程式使用Microsoft Win32 內容準備工具上傳至 Intune之後,您可以將應用程式新增至 Intune。 若要深入瞭解如何準備要上傳的 Win32 應用程式,請參閱準備 Win32 應用程式內容以上傳。
Only .pkg files may be used to upload macOS LOB apps to Microsoft Intune. To deploy .dmg or .app files, see Add a macOS DMG app to Microsoft Intune.Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Apps > All Apps > Create. In the Select app type pane, under the Other app ...
Enterprise Application Management provides an Enterprise App Catalog of Win32 applications that are easily accessible in Intune. You can add these applications to your tenant by selecting them from the Enterprise App Catalog. When you add an Enterprise App Catalog app to your Intune tenant, ...
Add MSIX package to Intune via Powershell? Is there a powershell command that creates new MSIX package as Intune Application? I can only find this option for Win32 App type, but not for the LOB/MSIX
Hi All,I'm deploying Adope pro by Intune, and everything is going well, but I need to use the software as a reader for some users with no pro license and...
Intune Learn to Deploy Windows 10 Language Pack Step by Step | MEM How to Deploy Windows App Win32 Using Intune |Language Pack Download Language Packs If you have an Enterprisesubscription,we recommend that you download language pack media fromMSDNorVLSC(Volume Licensing Service Center). ...
Add a Windows catalog app (Win32) to Intune Step 1: App information Step 2: Program Step 3: Requirements Show 5 more The Enterprise App Catalog is a collection of prepackagedWin32 appsthat have been designed and prepared by Microsoft to support Intune. The catalog contains both Microsoft ap...
iOS: .ipa and .intunemac Windows app (Win32): Building upon the existing support for line-of-business (LOB) apps and Microsoft Store apps, administrators can use Intune to deploy most of their organization’s existing Win32 line-of-business (LOB) applications to end users on Windows devic...
The built-in Windows 10 management client communicates with Intune to run enterprise management tasks. There are some tasks that you might need, such as advanced device configuration and troubleshooting. For Win32 app management, you can use theWin32 app managementfeature on your Windows 10 ...