PowerShell Add-PublicFolderClientPermission-Identity"\My Public Folder"-UserChris-AccessRightsCreateItems 本示例为用户 Chris 添加了在 My Public Folder 公用文件夹中创建项目的权限。 参数 -AccessRights AccessRights 参数指定要为公用文件夹上的用户添加的权限。
PowerShell Add-PublicFolderClientPermission-Identity"\My Public Folder"-UserChris-AccessRightsCreateItems 本示例为用户 Chris 添加了在 My Public Folder 公用文件夹中创建项目的权限。 参数 -AccessRights AccessRights 参数指定要为公用文件夹上的用户添加的权限。
若要查找在贵组织中运行任何 cmdlet 或参数所需的权限,请参阅 Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet。 示例 示例1 PowerShell 复制 Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\My Public Folder" -User Chris -AccessRights CreateItems -Server "My Server" 在Exchange 2010 中,...
powershell Copy Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\My Public Folder" -User Chris -AccessRights CreateItems -Server "My Server"In Exchange 2010, this example adds permission for the user Chris to create items in the public folder My Public Folder on the server My Server....
Use the Add-MailboxFolderPermission cmdlet to add folder-level permissions for users in mailboxes. For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Add-MailboxFolderPermission [-Identity] <MailboxFolderIdParameter> -AccessRights ...
Pour rechercher les autorisations requises pour exécuter une cmdlet ou un paramètre dans votre organisation, voir Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet.ExemplesExemple 1PowerShell Copier Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity ayla@contoso.com:\Marketing -User ed@contoso.com -...
PowerShell Copy $publicCertPath = "C:\Certs\HighTrustSampleCert.cer" $certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($publicCertPath) Add the following line to ensure that SharePoint treats the certificate as a root authority....
PowerShell $publicCertPath="C:\Certs\HighTrustSampleCert.cer"$certificate=New-ObjectSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($publicCertPath) Add the following line to ensure that SharePoint treats the certificate as a root authority. ...
Python 3.7+ in a Terminal. Please useWSL2to run python.gunicorndoes not run on powershell or cmd. Installing 1. Browser Dependencies Go to tampermonkey dashboard from broswer extension and create a new script Delete all the contents and copy full code fromfree-amazon-bot.js ...
Add to OneDrive makes it easy to add shared folders directly to our OneDrive. Add shared folders to your OneDrive