写入(Write):用户可以写入文件并将文件添加到目录Users can write to a file and add files to directories. 2)高级权限(Advanced Permissions) Traverse Folder/Execute File:遍历文件夹/执行文件:允许浏览文件夹,即使用户对这些文件或文件夹没有明确的权限。此外,用户还可以运行可执行文件。 List Folder/Read Data:...
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission-Identity"\My Public Folder"-UserChris-AccessRightsCreateItems 本示例为用户 Chris 添加了在 My Public Folder 公用文件夹中创建项目的权限。 参数 -AccessRights AccessRights 参数指定要为公用文件夹上的用户添加的权限。
若要查找在贵组织中运行任何 cmdlet 或参数所需的权限,请参阅 Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet。 示例 示例1 PowerShell 复制 Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\My Public Folder" -User Chris -AccessRights CreateItems -Server "My Server" 在Exchange 2010 中,...
The AccessRights parameter specifies the permissions that you want to add for the user on the mailbox folder. You can specify individual folder permissions or roles, which are combinations of permissions. You can specify multiple permissions and roles separated by commas. ...
文件:使用示例设置填充FolderPermissions.xml 和 SharePermissions.xml 和 DirectoryQuotas_Settings.xml。 应为每个文件配置预部署,因为这些设置因每个部署而异。 DirectoryQuotas_Settings.xml:允许定义所需数量的文件夹配额。 FolderPermissions.xml:允许定义所需数量的文件夹,每个文件夹可能具有 0、1 或多个权限。
So, first we create a new folder. We then copy the ACL of that folder. We then create a new AccessRule that gives "username" full control. We then add this AccessRule to the ACL, and finally we reapply the new, altered ACL to the folder....
Validate the ACLs of $env:programdata\ssh folder, it's contents. This isnotapplicable for windows 10+ / windows server 2019+. For more information, refer to#1900 Non-security fixes FIDO/U2F hardware authenticators support to Win32-OpenSSH. Thanks to@martelletto,@akshayku. ...
PowerShell Copy Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity john@contoso.com:\Calendar -User Ayla@contoso.com This example returns the permissions for the Calendar folder in John's mailbox, but only for the user Ayla.Parameters-DomainController
Use the Get-MailboxFolderPermission cmdlet to view folder-level permissions in mailboxes. Note: In Exchange Online PowerShell, we recommend that you use the Get-EXOMailboxFolderPermission cmdlet instead of this cmdlet. For more information, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. For information...
2021/9/24 13:38 testdir PS C:\PowerShell> md .\testdir\dir1\dir2 Directory: C:\PowerShell\testdir\dir1 Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- d--- 2021/9/24 13:38 dir2 PS C:\PowerShell> tree.com Folder PATH listing for volume OSDisk C:. └───testdir └─...