to Provides access to the recipients on the To line of a message. The type of object and level of access depend on the mode of the current item. The to property returns a Recipients object that provides methods to get or update the recipients on the To line of the message. However, de...
TypeScript 复制 // Get the Document object with the Common APIs. const document : Office.Document = Office.context.document; 属性展开表 bindings 获取提供对文档中定义的绑定的访问的对象。 customXmlParts 获取文档中表示自定义 XML 部件的对象。 mode 获取文档所处的模式。 settings 获取用于表示当前...
TypeScript 复制 // To add an event handler for the BindingSelectionChanged event of a binding, // use the addHandlerAsync method of the Binding object. // The event handler receives an argument of type BindingSelectionChangedEventArgs. function addEventHandlerToBinding() { Office.select("bindings...
TypeScript load(propertyNames?:string|string[]): Excel.TableColumnCollection; Parámetros propertyNames string | string[] Una cadena delimitada por comas o una matriz de cadenas que especifican las propiedades que se van a cargar. Devoluciones ...
This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process. TypeScript 複製 context: RequestContext; Property Value PowerPoint.RequestContext Method Details newObject(context) Create a new instance of the PowerPoint.Application object. TypeScript 複製 static newObject(context: ...
"@typescript-eslint/array-type": [ "error", { default: "array-simple", }, ], "@typescript-eslint/await-thenable": "error", "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": [ "warn", { types: { Object: { message: "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?", ...
Whats new v0.12.0 fixedWellKnownFolderNamesto beStringPropertyDefinitiontype instead ofGenericwhich microsoft has changed long back. Part of this was fixed by #414 (thanks @klinki) fixes #416 and also cleans up other typing issues Security update: updated all dependency to latest version. ...
先看下面这段代码,会报错:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘push’ of undefined。 代码语言:javascript 复制 // javascript中所谓的类就是函数functionMyParent(id){this.id=id;}MyParent.funcA=function(){console.log("funcA in object");}MyParent.prototype.funcB=function(){console.log("func...
(record.type === 'directory') { const newPath = [...dirPath, formatFileName(record.name)]; setDirPath(newPath); getList(newPath.join('/')); } else { clipboard.writeText(record.url as string); message.success('链接已复制到粘贴板'); } }; const handlePathClick = (index: number)...