public static void RawAddFamilyParamterAndSetValue(Dimension dim, FamilyManager famMan, FamilyType ft, string name, BuiltInParameterGroup group, ParameterType type, bool isInstance, object value) { FamilyParameter fp = famMan.AddParameter(name, group, type, isInstance); if( value!= null ) RawSet...
Family Editor Interface is a case-specific Revit add-on from well-known Revit software creator Archilizer. It significantly improves the existing process of creating and editing Families in Revit using a relatively simple and user-friendly interface that allows for easy parameter modification for any ...
Each of the samples consists of a C# .NET Revit API desktop add-in and a web server: RoomEditorAppand theroomeditdbCouchDBdatabase and web server demonstrating real-time round-trip graphical editing of furniture family instance location and rotation plus textual editing of element properties in...
I need to add a bunch of labels using shared parameters to my titleblock family. But you have to create each parameter one at a time. Does anyone
"Parameter"(3) "Python"(1) "Save As"(2) "topdown"(1) "vector"(1) "workaxes"(1) 'mm'(1) -(1) .(1) .csv(1) .dll(2) .dwg(2) .dxf(1) .idw(1) .import(1) .net(8) .net 5(1) .Net 8(2) .NET API(9) .NET debugging(1) .NET Even...
Revit .NET C# add-in to export parameter values for elements visible in current view Generate a count and acsvof Revit parameters on elements in a view. Do not limit yourself to shared parameters Do limit yourself to parameters with a value ...
"Parameter"(3) "Python"(1) "Save As"(2) "topdown"(1) "vector"(1) "workaxes"(1) 'mm'(1) -(1) .(1) .csv(1) .dll(2) .dwg(2) .dxf(1) .idw(1) .import(1) .net(8) .net 5(1) .Net 8(2) .NET API(9) .NET debugging(1) .NET Even...