其中之一是族(Family)功能。族是项目中的一个可重用元素,可以在不同的视图和项目中使用。Revit提供了一些内置的族,如窗户、门和家具等。您还可以创建自定义族,以满足特定的设计需求。 另一个重要的功能是参数(Parameter)和公式(Formula)。在Revit中,您可以为建筑元素定义各种参数,如尺寸、材料和构造规格等。您还...
一般族参数:FamilyManager.AddParameter(string parameterName,ExternalDefinition familyDefinition,BuiltInParameter parameterGroup,ParameterType parameterType,bool isInstance);这类参数有一个预定义的参数类型; 族类型参数:FamilyManager.AddParameter(string parameterName,BuiltInParameterGroup parameterGroup,Category familyCate...
bool isInstance = false; FamilyParameter paramTw = m_familyMgr.AddParameter("Tw", BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY, ParameterType.Length, isInstance); double tw = Util.mmToFeet(150.0); m_familyMgr.Set(paramTw, tw); m_familyMgr.SetFormula(paramTw, "Width / 4.0");//公式 //添加尺寸标注 ...
FamilyManager m_familyMgr = doc.FamilyManager; boolisInstance =false; FamilyParameter paramTw = m_familyMgr.AddParameter("Tw", BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY, ParameterType.Length, isInstance); doubletw = Util.mmToFeet(150.0); m_familyMgr.Set(paramTw, tw); m_familyMgr.SetFormula(paramTw,...
创建自定义参数:使用FamilyManager.AddParameter方法创建新的自定义参数。 设置公式:使用FamilyManager.SetFormula方法为自定义参数设置公式。 提交事务:使用Transaction类提交更改,并确保模型重新生成。 外部插件扩展公式功能 除了使用RevitAPI进行二次开发,您还可以使用外部插件来扩展公式功能。例如,Dynamo是一个强大的可视化...
Individual bound shared parameter names can be completely changed or multiple parameters can have a Suffix and/ or Prefix added to the name. As well as retaining the parameter formula, the parameters also retain their GUID. Within families, the family parameter formula is also amended to reflect...
If you need to parameterize a parameter of the “Yes / No” type, a shortened notation is also used. Revit Formulasare well worth knowing about, especially when you get into Parametric Family Creation. Do you have any great tips about Revit Formulas?Please share in the comments below!
16. Back in the Parameter Properties dialog choose the Instance option17. From the Group parameter under drop down choose Dimensions the click on OK to close the dialog18. Back in the Family Types dialog, place your cursor next to the "=" symbol...
Type in the name of the Target Property – the parameter you want to set. Type in the Formula. Target Property The Target Property can be an Instance property or a Type property. Formula In the formula, you can type in: Operators and Functions, like +, sin() and if(). Numbers and ...
Family(16) Family API(4) Family Document(4) family editor(1) Family Instance(10) Family Parameter(1) family parameters(2) Family Symbol(1) FamilyDocument(2) FamilyEditor(1) FamilyInstance(15) FamilyInstance.ByFace(3) FamilyParameter(2) FamilySymbol(2) FamilyType parameter...