The original project is a zsh module. zsh module is written in C, and need some code about the build system autotools and some header files. So I reuse autotools and zsh.h, XXX.h, ... That is why it is forked. Looks suspicious to me I also maintain another project to try input C...
The "^ " regexp can be replaced by HIST_IGNORE_SPACE, which is BTW not set by default in zsh. Code example: if [[ -o histignorespace && ${cmd} == ' '* ]]; then return 0 fi The "^histdb" regexp could be replaced by HIST_NO_STORE, which is also not set by default in...
本篇内容可以让你学会如何在QNAP上安装Entware-ng,以及zsh,git,sudo还有ohmyzsh等常用工具,并且保证他们不会被系统还原! TS-NASX86_64版本,对应下载链接为
Within the insertParagraph() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note: The first parameter to the insertParagraph method is the text for the new paragraph. The second parameter is the location within the body where the paragraph will be inserted. Other options for insert paragraph,...
Complete the following steps to add code that inserts an image into a slide.Open the project in your code editor. In the root of the project, create a new file named base64Image.js. Open the file base64Image.js and add the following code to specify the Base64-encoded string that ...
在Python中,没有名为IADD的内置函数。也没有名为IADD的标准库函数。可能是因为拼写错误或者误解了Python中的运算符。在Python中,有一个名为+=的运算符,它是增强赋值运算符,用于实现就地加法操作。可以将其视为加法运算符+和赋值运算符=的组合。 下面是关于增强赋值运算符的一些信息: 概念:增强赋值运...
Within the insertParagraph() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note: The first parameter to the insertParagraph method is the text for the new paragraph. The second parameter is the location within the body where the paragraph will be inserted. Other options for insert paragraph,...
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述 400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API does not support RAM. 子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。 400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently. 套餐实例不允许单独操...
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述 400 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API does not support RAM. 子账号权限不足,请先获取授权。 400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently. 套餐实例不允许单独操...