ggplot2, lubridate, scales, glue Suggests: 4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 4 NAMESPACE Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ export(frontier_pal) export(im_pal) export(killers_pal) export(nob_pal) export(okabe_ito_pal) export(pom_pal) expo...
geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE, color="blue", linetype="dashed") + labs(title = "Basic Scatter Plot of MPG vs. Weight", x = "Car Weight (lbs/1000)", y = "Miles Per Gallon") # Figure 11.2 Scatter plot with subgroups and separately # estimated fit line library(ggplot2) gg...
An alternative approach is to use ggplot2's facets to show each line in its own small plot. Here, we have two options. First, you could use a consistent plot region for all of the maps with fixed scales (the default of facet_wrap). We will set the option quiet = TRUE to avoid pr...
An alternative approach is to use ggplot2's facets to show each line in its own small plot. Here, we have two options. First, you could use a consistent plot region for all of the maps with fixed scales (the default of facet_wrap). We will set the option quiet = TRUE to avoid pr...
An alternative approach is to use ggplot2's facets to show each line in its own small plot. Here, we have two options. First, you could use a consistent plot region for all of the maps with fixed scales (the default of facet_wrap). We will set the option quiet = TRUE to avoid pr...