I want to transform a to be factor object and to populate it's levels to an additional column (with level 1 corresponding to 1's, 2 to 2's etc.) Please advise how can I add this additional factor level column? The desired output should be: a b a_lev 1 k 1 1 v 1 1 fs 1 ...
I would like to perform calculations on a nested data frame (stored as a list-column), and add the calculated variable back to each dataframe using purrr functions. I'll use this result to join to other data, and keeping it compact helps me to organize and examine i...
When you want to visualize results in each row—such as when each row of data is a trend over time—you can do that inside a new table column with mini inline graphs called sparklines
Supposed you want to drop columns in an R dataframe by name. You can accomplish this by the simple act of setting that specific column to NULL, as demonstrated by the drop function code below. # how to remove a column in r / delete column in R # this version will remove column in r...
# declaring a data frame in Rdata_frame<-data.frame(x1=2:7,x2=letters[1:6],x3=6,row.names=c('I','II','III','IV','V','VI'))print("Original Data Frame")print(data_frame)# number of rows in data framenum_rows=nrow(data_frame)# creating ID column vectorID<-c(1:num_rows...
# function to pool columns from a dataframe into one column # ! assumes that each row, there is only one element from the columns to pool which is not NA # eg. at row 5, the columns we want to pool are NA, 9, NA >> gives 9 # but if 2, 9, NA >> Error! (as more than...
dupl.2.DF$SSUMS<-sample_sums(dupl.2) #Add sample sums column in data frame rownames(dupl.1.DF)<-dupl.1.DF$sample_ID rownames(dupl.2.DF)<-dupl.2.DF$sample_ID dupl.2.DF<-dupl.2.DF[match(rownames(dupl.1.DF),rownames(dupl.2.DF) ),] rownames(BC1)<-colnames(BC1)<-sample_...
library(prophet) library(quantmod) library(dplyr) df <- read.csv("~/shampoo.csv") #now get the min and max dates in the column min_date <- min(df$Date, na.rm = TRUE) max_date <- max(df$Date, na.rm = TRUE) #download the SPY stock data getSymbols("SPY", from = min_date,...
1 Add a new column to a dataframe based on results from other columns 1 R: Add new column based on condition with multiple columns 3 How to aggregate R dataframe of two columns based on values of another 1 Perform aggregation to create new column based on criteria from 2 colum...