The transfer function of an ADC is a plot of the voltage input to the ADC versus the code's output by the ADC. Such a plot is not continuous but is a plot of 2Ncodes, whereNis the ADC's resolution in bits. If you were to connect the codes by lines (usually at code-transition b...
Voltage = (ADC Value / ADC Resolution) * Reference Voltage 复制代码 在本文中,我们已经知道微控制...
int val = analogRead(A7); // read the ADC value from pin A7 Voltage = (ADC Value / ADC Resolution) * Reference Voltage float voltage = (float(val)/1024) * 3.6; //formulae to convert the ADC value to voltage lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0
An integrator then measures the analog-voltage output of the summing junction and presents a sloping signal to the 1-bit ADC. The 1-bit ADC converts the integrator’s output signal to a digital one or zero. Using the system clock, the ADC sends the 1-bit digital signal to the modulator...
Voltage = (ADC Value / ADC Resolution) * Reference Voltage float voltage = (float(val)/1024) * 3.6; //formulae to convert the ADC value to voltage lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0 lcd.print("ADC Val:"); ...
• AdcChannelRefVoltsrcLow is the lower reference voltage source for each channel. Note: This parameter is not used by the ADC driver and therefore is not being evaluated. • AdcChannelResolution is the channel resolution in bits. Note: Only 12-bit resolution is available. • AdcChan...
a FEATURES Throughput 570 kSPS (Warp Mode) 500 kSPS (Normal Mode) 16 Bits Resolution Analog Input Voltage Range: 0 V to 2.5 V No Pipeline Delay Parallel and Serial 5 V/3 V Interface SPI™/QSPI™/MICROWIRE™/DSP Compatible Single 5 V Supply Operation Power Dissipation 77 mW Typical ...
One of the performance spaces that SAR ADCs excel at is high resolution at relatively low speed. They find many applications ranging from medical imaging, instrumentation, to industrial process control, etc. Compared to sigma-delta ADCs, which are also well suited in the low speed space, SAR...
For example: if VREFH is 1.8V and CSCALE = 0, then the ADC input voltage can be up to 3.84V because 1.8*(64/30) =3.84. Consequently, the value that will be in your ADC value can be obtain of the next formula: To obtain more information you can see the chapter...
Resolution 8 Bits • Maximum Sampling Frequency 15 MSPS (min) • THD −54 dB (typ) • DNL ±0.85 LSB (max) • ENOB at 3.58 MHz Input 7.6 Bits (typ) • Differential Phase 0.5 Degree (max) • Differential Gain 1.5% (typ) • Power Consumption 33 mW (typ) (excluding ...