How to convert an ADC code to voltage? . Learn more about adc code to voltage, hydrophone, octaveanalysis, amplifier
uint32_t GetAVDDVoltage(void);/*---*/
VDD, use the following simple formula to obtain the hex-code value corresponding to an identified input-analog-voltage level: VIN/(VDD/255)=result value="hex" code (see Editor's note). Note that you must round off the result value to a whole number before...
图中,右上坐标系的横坐标表述真实输入信号(Input voltage),纵坐标(左)表示 ADC 量化信号(Quantized voltage),纵坐标(右)表示 ADC 转化后的二进制代码(Output code)。右下坐标系表示误差(Error)。 2-bit 的 ADC 分辨率很低,所以很容易看出误差。比如,当输入电压为 0V,输出二进制为 00 ,这个代码代表的是 0.6...
float voltage = (float(val)/1024) * 3.6; //formulae to convert the ADC value to voltage 您可能会对线浮点数 (val) 感到困惑。这用于将变量 “val” 从 int 数据类型转换为 “float” 数据类型。这种转换是必需的,因为只有当我们在浮点数中得到 val/1024 的结果时,我们才能将其乘以 3.6。如果以整数...
For example: if VREFH is 1.8V and CSCALE = 0, then the ADC input voltage can be up to 3.84V because 1.8*(64/30) =3.84. Consequently, the value that will be in your ADC value can be obtain of the next formula: To obtain more information you can see the chapter called ...
Based on these variables, the digital value can be obtained based on the formula, digital value= (voltage output/drop * Maximum ADC value)/total voltage. This formula is important for working with analog devices. Analog devices output an voltage proportional to whatever they are designed to me...
The ADC is set to output 12 bits and I think the reference voltage is 3V but I could be wrong. Is there some formula or conversion to use to get the original voltages going into the ADC? I am not sure whereabouts you are observing this range of values. For 12-...
float voltage = (float(val)/1024) * 3.6; //formulae to convert the ADC value to voltage ...
An integrator then measures the analog-voltage output of the summing junction and presents a sloping signal to the 1-bit ADC. The 1-bit ADC converts the integrator’s output signal to a digital one or zero. Using the system clock, the ADC sends the 1-bit digital signal to the modulator...