int val = analogRead(A7); // read the ADC value from pin A7 Voltage = (ADC Value / ADC Resolution) * Reference Voltage float voltage = (float(val)/1024) * 3.6; //formulae to convert the ADC value to voltage lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set the cursor to column 0, line 0
gADC_Sample_Value = ADC_Channel_Samp_Value[i]; /* Calculate the voltage value of each channel according to the sampling value of each channel of the ADC */ Calcu_ADC_Channel_V = (float)(gADC_Sample_Value * (Vref_1_2V_Cali_V/ADC_Channel_Samp_Value[3])); if(i == 3) { print...
(ADCchVref);ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd(ADC1,ENABLE);//Start Conversionwhile(1){if(ADCFilterflag){//Determine whether the second-order filter is overADCFilterflag=0;//Clear the filter end flagGet_VDDA_Volatge();//Convert the filtered value to voltageADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd(ADC1,ENABLE);//...
_iq value; _iq current_sf = HAL_getCurrentScaleFactor(handle); _iq voltage_sf = HAL_getVoltageScaleFactor(handle); // convert current A // sample the first sample twice due to errata sprz342f, ignore the first sample value = (_iq)ADC_readResult(obj->adcHandle,ADC_ResultNumber...
}/* 使能设备 */ret =rt_adc_enable(adc_dev, ADC_DEV_CHANNEL);/* 读取采样值 */value =rt_adc_read(adc_dev, ADC_DEV_CHANNEL);rt_kprintf("the value is :%d \n", value);/* 转换为对应电压值 */vol = value * REFER_VOLTAGE / CONVERT_BITS;rt_kprintf("the voltage is :%d.%02d \n...
("get ADC.ADC0 Voltage value as {0}mv".format(adcvalue))# Converted to resistanceresistance=Voltage_to_Resistance(adcvalue)print("Photoresistor resistance as {0}Ω".format(resistance*1000))utime.sleep(delay)passif__name__=="__main__":# creat a thread Convert ADC to Voltage_thread....
void ADC_TO_VOL() { HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); int ADC_Value; if (HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, 10) == HAL_OK) { ADC_Value = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1); } LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ADC Sample value:%d,voltage value:%.4fV", ADC_Value, ADC_Value * 3.3f / 4096); ...
adc_value = get_adc_value(); //读取ADC采样值 voltage = (2.5*adc_value)/4096; //将ADC采样值转换为电压(单位V) printf("voltage: %.2fV\r\n",voltage);//串口打印ADC采样电压 delay_ms(500); //延时500ms,方便在串口调试助手中观察实验数据 ...
#include"stm32f10x.h"// Device header#include"Delay.h"#include"OLED.h"#include"ADC.h"uint16_tADCvalue;//ADC返回的值floatVolatge;//转换成电压intmain(void){OLED_Init();Adc_Init();OLED_ShowString(1,1,"ADCValue:");OLED_ShowString(2,1,"Voltage:0.00V");while(1){ADCvalue = Adc_Getva...